Susan Roden
A personal goal is to impact all with the beauty of life in its expressive moods while artistically portraying the subtle nuances of every day life. The beauty of a simple state of being is exhilarating, which I strive for above all.
Preference for soft pastels is derived from a love of the Impressionistic Era as well as from the satisfaction of creating the painting, i.e., sculpting with the sticks of pastels. I manipulate the visual effects by varying the pressure of application and rotating the stick with usage of the broad side, tip or blunt end for varied sizes of strokes. Individuals will experience a sense of touch by viewing the sensation of movement, created by the mass of individualized, layered strokes.

“Ribbon of Red” by Susan Roden

“Red Turban” by Susan Roden

“Falling Rain” by Susan Roden

“Lily and Poseys” by Susan Roden