Sometimes it just takes on thing in a room – probably a primary piece – to make enough of a change to refresh-renew-redirect…It might be a seasonal change, the change of a partner, the change of a job…but whatever the reason, just one thing can make the difference.
Perhaps it’s to celebrate one of those aforementioned changes…a cause to celebrate – change your bedspread!! Yes, that is certainly a primary piece in a room – the bed in a bedroom is clearly, with rare exception, the largest, most focal piece in that room. So, change the spread – you don’t even have to change all of the bed dressings – keep the bed skirt, and even the pillows and select a fabric that goes with the other elements but, is radically different from the previous throw.
Change can refresh. It can reaffirm, and renew. Its best when it is your choice – change that is NOT your idea can jolt…but if the jolt happened first, then walk into that change with deliberation – make something else change that makes you feel good!! So rearrange you furniture, buy a piece of art – find out about the artist, paint your bathroom, do some regular exercise, and bake for a friend. It will feel good!