Merriam Webster defines to disrupt: to interrupt the normal course or unity…So think about it when you take on your DIY projects…like reupholstering a chair. Pick or find the chair, take a course, cut away at the fabric, pull out the staples, rip it down to the bones, (poor chair – you’ve really interfered with its unity), then put it back together. Voila!
To do something as seemingly simple as repaint, you will need to remove things from the walls and move things away from the walls, drape furniture, mask elements like molding, ceilings or other adjacent surfaces that will not be painted – or at least not with the same color. All of that is quite a disruption.
Expand that disruption when you remodel – open a wall, replace cabinets, change flooring – each on their own sounds simple, but be prepared for disruption. Your normal course of unity will be in disarray, displacement – maybe even chaos.
However, I often reference the phrase “You have to break an egg to make an omelet” right? That sums it up. To make something wonderful, you are going to have to interrupt the normal course of unity – hence break the unity of that beautifully in-tact orb of an egg.
So do not fear disruption – go ahead – disrupt your life a bit, to effect change, that will achieve refreshing results! It is THE hardest part of the Creative Process (see pattisays April 29, 2017).