Valentine’s Day is behind us…but the love continues…chilly February days making way for warming trends bringing new growth and springtime romance…the birds and the bees…reproduction and the cycle of life…Designed to heal, strengthen and move forward. Spring into Spring!!!
With that, look to the new hot pink design trends and perk up your palette with accent colors, fabrics, pillow splashes, accents or painted walls.
Don’t be afraid – take the leap and try something new. Be bold and daring.
Today’s photo – “kissing in public.” Some call pigeons flying rats…I prefer to look at each with their singular personality, color scheme, iridescent feathers, unique identity and their togetherness – mates so apparent. Beautiful if taken individually…but I would like to know how to safely remove them from my office roof as they do tend to gather and splat on my windshield in balmy weather…hmmm…the bitter and the sweet.
Spring is in the air!!! Think design and how to punch-up your interiors!!!