High Desert Pediatrics
An exciting new pediatric clinic has opened in the new Leed Silver Alameda Office complex, located at 8650 Alameda Blvd NE in Albuquerque. How does one make children’s visits to the doctor’s office fun and unintimidating, mitigate the fear and add a little flair without creating too much frenzy? Here we have done just that by creating a colorful, easy to maintain interior, showcasing bold secondary colors, durable surfaces and plenty of pizzazz to make this a pleasing and unique experience for everyone involved in this exceptional medical practice. Inviting and entertaining, this interior incorporates the whimsical work of local artists Darryl Willison and Neecy Twinem, including the restrooms which are graced with Twinem’s trout images. For interest and fun, we have identified the exam rooms not only by number but by individual themes, including her coyote, mouse, horse, bear, rabbit and space images. We brought in the very talented Tangerine Cafe to do the new logo and graphic designs.