The freezing cold temperatures this past winter have left a lot of destruction in the landscape. The advice has been “give it a while” to see if there is any sign of life. And as suckers sprout from the base of some of the rose bushes – the actual grafted heirloom plant might not be saved. But as the days pass, it is painfully apparent that many are not coming back.
To think that New Mexico had the coldest days in the entire country including Alaska at some points in January is arresting. No wonder our plantings took a beating! I drove through the valley today and saw multiple large, healthy, rose bushes in full bloom – they must have been insulated from the worst of the freezes…and sometimes a good freeze – if not too much for too long can be beneficial.
The question is – at this juncture – do you want to replant the same or make a change in your landscape design? Framework like a boxwood hedge or manicured rosemary versus wild flowers of a drought-resistant variety – the choices are many.
The new medians along Academy are solidly grounded with gravel, stone and boulders punctuated with brilliant red sage, sparkling yellow poppies and good-sized trees. This xeric landscape is an example of a well-done project. It is thoughtful, thorough and strong. Cars will not want to venture into the median for late night vandalism with all the boulders placed throughout the design. Yet the bountiful balance of flowering and leafy shrubbery is attractive.
We are in the desert southwest – central New Mexico version. We enjoy the cool mountain air paired with the arid warmth of the high desert. Yes, we get snow. This year we froze our foliage off! We have bright sunshine nearly every day and a vista that rivals the vast ocean scenes found worldwide. Sunsets blaze across the sky and our mountains reflect those colors with “sangre” blood red, “sandia” watermelon vermillion, and “manzano” apple rose. We call it the Land of Enchantment.
So be thoughtful about your plantings. Make good decisions that will tolerate our climate, use little water, and enhance your enjoyment of living outdoors in the warmer months to come! EXTERIOR DESiGN!!!