I learned about something new today – they say that will happen every day “if you pay attention.” And today I enjoyed the experience of meeting and watching artist Patrice Jaureguiberry work his magic with glass and the natural volcanic silica (glass) obsidian. The colors are luminous and what Pat creates with these many wonderful pieces is incredible.
In this instance – although new to me, this art is an ancient technique. Pat has fascinating tools of bone and copper that he works against the glass. The method is called pressure flaking or knapping. This is the art that crafted flints and arrowheads. Here on our Gold Avenue sidewalk today Pat demonstrated this ancient art form and made some exquisite pieces in addition to the ones that he had previously made. It is quite an impressive presentation of unique artwork.
From bolo ties made with the glass arrowheads and strung with colorful climbing rope and weighted with bullet casings adorned with semi-precious polished stone beads to necklace pendants, decorative knives and fanciful trees. His work is sculptural and fine.