Looking back (to both sides of the turn of the 20th century), eclectic interiors were only cultivated by the very rich. Those who had the discretionary income to take vacations abroad, had diplomatic ties or nomadic adventuresome types who took precious time off to explore different locations and cultures other than from whence they came. Others of means might have merely hired decorators to create interiors that suggested such adventure and access, without leaving their drawing rooms. Expensive eclecticism catapulted status.

Leaf through decades of Architectural Digest – THE authority on design for examples and inspiration of fabulously eclectic interiors among all the varied styles they have documented for us!
A surge in eclecticism occurred with the many military personnel and their families who were stationed overseas and were able to transport containers of belongings along the way.

Recognize a meter tray? A meter size diameter of solid brass tooled with hand detailing and pressed/formed/hammered designs. From table tops to wall hangings, they are statement pieces!
They brought back fine and fun arts and crafts from around the globe. These homes were distinctively punctuated with art that was recognizable in those circles – you could tell where people had been stationed by the decorative elements in their homes.

A souvenir from 1970s South Vietnam! Ceramic elephants were the rage!!! From stand-alone accents to end tables and bases for larger cocktail tables supporting glass slabs, these animated novelties of artistic expressions continue to bring joy decades later!
As the original owners handed down these nostalgic treasures, the history of the discoveries was diluted if not lost but the appreciation for many of the collectibles remained and was passed down to younger generations starting their homes. Inherited interiors spawns eclecticism.

Antique collection Rose Medallion passed down in a family.
Many homes have been assembled with the elements gifted by others resulting in a nostalgic, familiar collage of decorative accessories.

Vintage pink glass salad plates, family antique chairs, and a china cabinet of new and old collectibles used and mixed with love and affection.
Pier One capitalized on this decades ago. Their slogan was something like “we shop the world so you don’t have to.” In lieu of experiencing great world travels, the buyers sought exotic, interesting, affordable, mass-produced items and eclecticism expanded exponentially. They actually set seasonal decor trends with their ability to influence the market with their sweeping design reach to international artisans and fabricators, massive buying power, focused design team and extensive marketing campaigns.
Some, in order to create that sense of eclecticism, haunt thrift stores and antique markets. “Thrifting” is today’s trend for gathering eclectic “finds.” From antiques to current cast-offs, the sport can be quite satisfying, cost-effective and can result in some amazing acquisitions!

“Thrifted” antique table and eclectic crystal decanters contrast sweeping contour of limestone hearth.
Eclecticism means varied interests and experiences, an appreciation for what is good and fun rather than merely coordinating. It suggests independence, personal taste and style, with a freedom from convention and changing trends. A successful eclectic interior still requires balance and proper placement and distribution of the varied objects. Have what you like. Be surrounded by things that make you feel good, productive and bring you joy.
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