From the Diminishing Dining Room of last week’s observations,, I decided to further the conversation to encourage a new-found appreciation for having fun setting dinner tables! I found fodder from Kentucky Fried Chicken served on formal silver platters to wipe-clean placements of dazzling designs to dress your tables. A collection of tireless designers defend the use of fine china – own it, buy it, find it, inherit it, enjoy it, keep it and use it – don’t send it to the thrift shop!!!
Yes, the art of fine dining seems to be set aside in favor of ease and expediency, but this article from The Washington Post’s HOME section (thank you Feath – my clipping service) brings it all home to use and enjoy. It is a celebration of art, design and playful creativity.
Not everyone loves to entertain, to create the “tablescape,” to even bother to put together an outfit to wear. Not everyone loves to get dressed in the morning – it is a chore, an obligation, a mere necessity. That’s unfortunate in my estimation. For those of us who do – love it – it is all about having fun with fashion or interior design is just that – FUN!
Last spring I began a series of emails that I blasted to our mailing list called COOK + PARTY. It was (and will continue this next season) a collection of weekly recipes paired with table-top art pieces. In our gift boutique, we represent an incredible collection of artists who create fabulous tableware. I paired a piece with a recipe each week to inspire and encourage everyone to use “functional” art in their daily lives and specifically for entertaining and even the family dining table.
Recent fodder revealed a great source for fabulous wipe-clean placemats from Caspari. For decades a fine source for the best paper cocktail napkins, Caspari offers these bold patterns and colors, prints of fine china and fabulous fabrics – re-use and easy to clean – why not?
A previous fall blog that I wrote illustrates the open-mindedness of looking around to find inspiration for seasonal table dressings. The decision for your table-top inspiration can be spontaneous – just go outside and look around!
Among the refreshingly optimistic designers that were quoted in the Washington Post article:
Barry Dixon, from the verdant rolling hills of Warrenton, Virginia, specifically points out that this process of setting your table should be fun! Don’t pull-out the same things each time – mix it up! Change it up by adding color and pattern differently with every new opportunity.

Seasonal flowers, yellow woven cotton place-mats, embroidered folk-art table runner, basket chargers beneath classic Limoges topped with ceramic napkin rings – it looks like spring!
Designer Timothy Corrigan tells us that many people find it too difficult to entertain with their best things because the onus of proper cleaning and put-away is too much! But Mr. Corrrigan points out the joy of using your best things every day – everyday is a celebration and what you enjoy should be used.

In another springtime setting…organic, rustic things with finery – black stones nestle fresh purple Campatula flowers antique Limoges and basket chargers – makes an eclectic table settings – it’snot all or nothing…it’s the combinations and scene that is being set.
Hutton Wilkinson – way out in L.A. where casual chic is the practice of distilling what migrated from the more formal sister coast to the east – noted that he believes presentation is the key to success. It isn’t so much about what is served (don’t tell the chefs that), but rather on what it is served and how it is presented. Imagine buckets of Kentucky Fried chicken served on elegant Georgian silver platters. That simple fast-food chicken becomes magnificently irresistible. You can’t say you’re too busy to cook with that creative solution! Wilkinson believes that presentation helps food taste better in addition to looking beautiful! He advocates buying china because it’s beautiful – not merely serviceable. I agree…it’s not all about the mundane purpose of eating off of it – but rather the joy of eating off of it!!
Making your guests feel appreciated and treating them to a unique, pleasing experience is a gift to them. A special treat to show that you care – going that extra distance of detail and design.

Color combinations, textures,patterns – wonderfully pleasing tablescapes are a treat for the eye. (So special Marsha!)
So don’t say it’s too difficult…keep it simple with Real Simple – the source for easy, ingenious ideas and simple truths……the following link for proper place-settings will get you started.
Patti says – “make it special every day.”