Artistically embellished architectural splendor is an understatement for all the wonders that await when visiting our Nation’s Capitol. Washington, D.C. is my home town. Growing up inside the Beltway, venturing into the District for work or pleasure was once my norm. I know I took it for granted. Like many, when one lives and plays in a place, it often becomes routine. Work the same place, drive the same route, play in the same spots…unless there is a special concert to catch or event prompted by others to attend, one often misses the wonders that are right around the corner.
Therefore, when I visit, I try to make it a point to investigate and experience things I have never seen or things that I haven’t seen for quite some time. This visit featured the grand dome of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.

It was the focus of our outing, but the surrounding chapels and all there was to see became such an educational and eye-candy dazzling afternoon of mosaic artistry that our eyes and neck were fatigued from staring at the details and craning to view the enormous vaulted expanses of blazing glory.

Lest you think I exaggerate, know that the majesty of the iconic images have been rendered in such exquisite detail and with such amazing colors of tiny, precisely placed tiles that the work makes you gasp and say “whoa” at every turn.

And this is just touring the many spectacular chapels on the way to the nave where the vaulted domed ceilings explode with color, detailed imagery and astonishingly expansive scale! It is then, upon entering this awe-inspiring space, that gasps and whoa fall away to near breathless speechlessness as eyes well with tears at the splendor.

The detail was similar to that of the magnificent mosques we experienced in Istanbul – but there, we walked in and BAM the spectacular space was huge and instantly revealed – definite WOW factor – but here at the Basilica, it was a fascinating process of discovery as we investigated each chapel and made our way up to the grand expanse of the vaulted nave.

I am not going to give you a guided tour of what we experienced, nor am I going to attempt to convey any aspect of the historical tracings of the biblical references…but I am going to attempt to impart the beauty and artistry that one doesn’t have to be a catholic to appreciate. Photos can’t begin to accomplish what it takes to get the full effect of these amazing designs, patterns, details…

I encourage everyone to experience this majestic edifice and the beautiful grounds towering above the trees in NE Washington, D.C.. It will not disappoint.