During the course of this day’s consultation this precious and perky bob-tailed cat, Kachina, inserted herself into the entire process. She greeted me upon arrival, walked all manner of adjacent furniture as we discussed the scope of work. She tip-toed across tables, sofa and chair backs, and ultimately the hides we were considering for upholstery.
Initially we viewed the room and its present arrangement and realized that the l-shaped right angle position of the sofa, loveseat and recliner conflicted with the angles in the room. the sofa was perpendicular to the TV/display. The fireplace was at an angle in the corner. Neither one had the central focus – the attention was split from all angles. So the question was…Is it necessary to have the recliner as the primary TV viewing piece? Seemed like all the pieces were crammed together and the room was not being utilized to its full potential.

Kachina even has her eye on that bulky sofa as though to say – MOVE IT!

Kachina leaped onto the sofa to make her point- agreeing to the subject of our conversation!
It was determined that the recliner need not be positioned to directly view the TV. Once we turned the sofa to be parallel to the fireplace, it also opened the angle to the entire room and framed both the TV/display unit and fireplace. The recliner tucked into the far corner -not facing the TV – created a cozy nook for reading and next to the patio doors allowed a view of the backyard.
Needless to say, this fireplace crowned by this magnificent buffalo was an incredible focal point. Formerly from Wyoming, this couple knew this buffalo. They knew his name and knew that he became too aggressive and gored at least one female to death – who had to also be put down and who’s pelt was on the floor in another area of the home. The hunt and subsequent shoot has been preciously preserved and revered. These were not mere trophies.
This is the most extraordinary collection of very fine Native American Art I have ever seen in a private residence. From to carved stone, amazing weavings to paintings and pottery, the presentation is stunning.
To soften all the hard and cold materials of the floor tile, leather and iron detailing, we are now on the hunt for the perfect area rug. Probably a shag to carry the balance of the contrasting finishes. Design is all about contrast, balance and harmony. Unless the intent is to intentionally disrupt, in which case, the contrast takes center stage!!!!
These gorgeous brindle cow hides were so exotic and beautiful. The patterns and colors were wonderful and the couple who owned them had a great respect for the animals, and the celebration of their beautiful pelts.

Kachina was nearly camouflaged with her pretty pelt against theirs.
It’s fun when pets participate.
We will be making a pair of ottomans with these two hides. Great for pull-up at parties to gather around the cocktail table in the center of the room. Watch for the additional photos once the work is finished.