Aging in Place Isn’t for Sissies – Finding/Providing Dignity and Comfort for All

Aside from tedious wills and other legal asset planning and consultation, the design decisions for aging in place are more than challenging.  With the best laid plans available at the time, we look into the far distance to a time when we might not be getting around so well. It is with these faint thoughts sneaking into our reality that jars us a bit. Thoughts for the future about downsizing, getting rid of “things,” making modifications for accessibility and ease of maneuvering. This might mean re-redesigning a bathroom, moving to a lower level, selling a multi-story and settling into a single level. Yet, not everybody has the luxury of aging in place.

I’ve studied it through initial interior design courses, continuing education, and on to incorporating applicable features for clients and even family in homes and offices. It’s amazing how abstract anything can be until it touches you personally. In one class for example, we were asked to get into a wheelchair and ascend and descend a ramp – one of adequate slope and one not-to-standards which proved much more challenging. We were asked to access a restroom and navigate the space including making a side transfer to a toilet from the chair.  We noticed heights of things difficult to reach from a seated position, angles of mirrors, and the strength required to do many basic actions. And shy having this actual challenge in real life, these exercises were sobering and valuable when it came to considering facilitating maneuverability and accessibility in life/design planning.

Whether an aging scenario, a progressive disease, a vital young  person being impaired by an inconvenient injury, or worse a permanently debilitating catastrophe, the reality of those situations is enormous. Some injuries are temporary while others are life-changing, but all require consideration while they and related limitations exist.

Anticipation. We can maybe imagine and anticipate such scenarios, but it is easy to dismiss and put aside for another day. That day came a couple of weeks ago for me. My mother was hospitalized which, in hindsight, was over-kill that nearly killed her. The life-changing things that followed were remarkable and came on so quickly. No time to carefully plan – just figure out  how to fix things, how to make due, how to work-around the issues.  We had always intended for her to “age in place.”  Her home was designed, by her, for her and took into consideration many things based on speculation 20+ years ahead.

Once this change of events unfolded, all of my senses were heightened. I saw everything differently. I was keenly aware of my surroundings even more than I am as a normal course of responding to my design instincts. I became critical and incensed.  I wanted to assign criminal fault to such things as color choice and lighting.

I learned that not all situations are the same level of good or bad. They are dependent upon the eyes  thoughts and reactions of the individual. Beauty, as we know, is in the eyes of the beholder. But many things I encountered transcend that very true phrase. Sensitivities are so very important. Aging in place is tough. It is not for sissies. But it exponentially worse with dementia. Being moved to an aging facility other than your own home is another story completely.

With all the professionals with whom I have spoken whether neurologists, gerontologists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, or home health nurses, each have common denominators on the subject that crosses between disciplines. But I can also see how individual’s design sensitivities, or seeming lack thereof, play a significant roll in their ability to thrive and even survive. I am not over-stating this imperative.

Dementia has triggers and although some may be similar among individuals, like “sundowners” (an anxious reaction to fatigue and end of the day dimming of light), or other confusing or anxious moments brought on by physical discomfort, change of environment or sleep deprivation – there are endless other triggers that are unique to that individual. Understanding what those unique triggers (and pleasures) are is key to affecting the quality of life that results from effective or ineffective design decisions.

In the past two weeks, I have seen hospital interiors that were so busy and confused of materials that it seemed impossible that they were selected in the first place and more so that they were approved, purchased and implemented as well as assisted living facilities that ran the gambit from dated and irresponsibly neglected to posh and resort-like.

A hospital is supposed to take the curse off of the fears and trepidation that often accompany a visit while instilling confidence and comfort.  Without identifying the facility I ask you: In the mainstream of our society, does this combination of materials evoke confidence and comfort? What words correlate to confidence and comfort…at the least, order and cleanliness. Those would begin to establish confidence and comfort.  This scene at the lobby of a prominent local “Women’s” hospital is confused and harsh. Large black backdrop to the logo/signage (not shown) is heavy and reads more like a high-tech or machinery or mining facility –  contrary to an uplifting, soothing, comforting, welcoming environment of healing finishes and colors. Sadly, other areas had similarly jarring effects.

More interesting, by means of comparison, was the research that took me to a wide variety of well-regarded “upscale” assisted living facilities in the area. These were the facilities that were highly rated and referenced when asking around the community for recommendations.

This first one is managed by one of the world’s leading management companies. I will be contacting them regarding what we found when touring last week. The horror of this discovery was in being greeted by the point-of-arrival – newly remodeled to suggest upscale appointments, lovely living spaces, patio, dining room and even an attractive and believable bar area for cocktails and gatherings. Quite sophisticated and then…we were slapped in the face with the brutal reality that we soon discovered. The corridors of the rehab/healthcare and assisted living areas were dark and poorly lit. Colors were warm earth tones that further contributed to the drab, somber aura of depression. Not relaxing, uplifting or soothing – just plain dull, depressing and dark. Many more disturbing details were observed that are not applicable here.

By dramatic contrast was a light, sunny interior which benefitted from much natural light and even in the corridors which were reliant upon artificial lighting they read with a soft welcoming glow. The creamy walls and white trim paired with the soft light was easy, soft and comfortable. The over-all “read” was residential with enough hospitality to add interest but not to diminish the at-home feeling of the building and grounds. The interior and exterior spaces for both assisted living and memory care were clean, and pleasingly comfortable. The exterior spaces and were grand and  inviting with lots of beautifully maintained grassy areas, planting beds and trees for shade. Exterior spaces mean a lot when you are retired to this limited world view.

A fairly new facility caught our attention with pleasing new finishes and color, light and spacious, residential, but also with a bit of hospitality flair – however, with all the very practical hard surfaces, in much of the living spaces, it lacked comfort. Crooked lampshades and missing outlet covers suggested that attention to details was being replaced with smoke and mirrors of the overall effect. We were initially thrilled and then a bit suspect of this facility after our tour.

If one wanted fresh and stimulating, a brand new gorgeous property sets the stage for a would-be modern resort. Bright bold colors and contemporary furnishings, wonderful spaces, stunning modern light fixtures and great finishes belie the true identity of this assisted living and memory care facility.  Exterior spaces here also green and nourishing with juvenile plantings due to its new construction. It appears that the mature plan will be quite pleasing. A frail 90+ year old might feel too diminutive in this facility but the family would feel excited and uplifted. The questions is for whom is it designed? The upcoming generation of retirees perhaps – if not for sure – fabulous – or the current elders that come from a different age and era for whom it might likely be overwhelming with the modern approach, scale and finishes. Plan for the future though – it will be here before we know it!

A frightening comparison occurred when we visited a well-regarded faith-based retirement community of many facets and facilities. While a new structure of independent living apartments sports fine finishes, comfortable dining venue and an exceptional indoor pool, the assisted living wings were absolutely irresponsible in this observer’s opinion. Although these areas were decades old, poor color choices of spicy, yet muddy hues, drastically discolored plexi lenses over surface-mounted fluorescent lamps of many colors made for a freakish, scary interior that felt  both institutional and garishly executed and neglected by those who should care to say the least – an insult to most peoples’ sensitivities. We could not fathom how this had for so long been unaddressed – paint alone would have gone a long way to improve the existing conditions.  In no way could this interior be considered conducive to wellness or stimulating betterment. Even if you take personal opinion out of it, the lighting and colors did not feel fresh and clean. In the two previous examples, the first being quite traditional and the next being very contemporary, both had a freshness and quality of light and pleasing colors and finishes that were completely lacking in this last example. This interior to us was beyond our first  accusation of the drab interior being criminal in its negligence of good design practices given the management and money to do MUCH better. This facility headed toward intentionally and dangerously derelict in its duty to provide an environment that promoted improved health and wellness.

Of the first and the last examples, it seems that they are just providing pockets of space, claustrophobic and dreary – if not down-right depressing – yes, true, the latter littered with disorganized debris on the walls, both with odors of tired food and other unpleasing combinations.  We knew that if we had any fraction of sensitivity to light or colors or an awareness of order in our minds, that these two interiors would lead swiftly to our demise. While by stark contrast, the other examples were convincing enough to us that a fate being placed in either would be quite satisfactory even pleasingly uplifting.  And all of this comes back to knowing the individual and their sensitivities, history, interests and likes and dislikes – and some human sensitivities that transcend all. Yet some facilities deny anything to those with even limited capacity and lower the bar to treat all – including staff – like it doesn’t matter – it doesn’t make a difference. That is NOT an environment in which I want to spend any of my precious, allotted time or assign that of a friend or loved one.

I went back with the intention of photographing all of these examples…but with residents parked in every applicable shot – I felt invasive and obviously not cut-out for this kind of investigative reporting…

Like the 3 bears…one was awful, one was over the top and the one in the middle was just right. A new facility just opened and presented this third, middle offering. A stereotypical palette of oranges, neutrals and browns, and faux stone was acceptably common. It was new and fresh, had white subway tile with dark charcoal grout in the bathrooms, and “friendly” faux stone detailing around the residentially inspired exhibition kitchen. The footprint of the facility was small and would be considered intimate and easy to navigate – but we thought, for our purposes, too small and the white subway tile with dark charcoal grout in the bathroom would not have been an asset – nor would the pedestal sinks – providing no surface in your private bathroom. So just when we thought it was just right – those interior disappointments along with the exterior living spaces of gravel and concrete pavement – it didn’t fit the bill.

Some facilities presented photos of the residents in their prime, back in the day – familiar nostalgia that was tastefully utilized. While others attempted a similar but disappointing effect with cluttered and disorganized paraphernalia of times gone by… Too much use of “cutes and quaints” craft store furnishings and decorative accessories looks like a cheap rendition of formality and refinement – missing the mark by miles. Theme areas invited some and completely turned off others making the percentage of the enjoyable spaces fragmented and limiting. Knowing this, it is apparent that designing for an individual’s personal environment is easier than designing to appease or please a group. Obvious differences are males versus females, age, lifestyle, interests, and over-all likes and dislikes. Due to the price tag on these units, the residents are well-heeled, have had decades of lifetime experiences circling the globe and collecting treasures either passed down or acquired over the years. A simple, tasteful balance between opulence and casual elegance, luxury and down-to-earth comfort would appeal to most in this bracket.

The recipe is pretty easy and loaded with common sense. Grand entries and intimate interior spaces, plenty of natural light, spacious common areas and visual and accessible connections to well landscaped exterior areas furnished for visiting and entertaining. Clean durable surfaces easy to maintain and being well maintained, soft neutral colors punctuated with fresh accents, excellent variety of artificial light, planned placement of postings, art and decorative accessories – policed for order and consistency.

For those with sharp minds and bright intellects it is more challenging to provide the convincing interiors that will satisfy their discriminating requirements. While dementia residents have hidden pockets of memory, clouded remembrances of comfortable familiar things and yet no less of a need to find a safe, pleasing place to call home.

I apologize for not having more photographs of the examples I reference, but I hope that my purpose and observations aid in the work to be done to place disabled individuals in environments that most satisfy their sensitivities and as a result promote the BEST quality of life. We are their advocates in many cases and must strive to view the world through their glasses.

Go on your own, in advance of the need – I encourage you. Know that interior designers and others involved with the interaction in or improvement of interior spaces will have epiphanies about what lies ahead for their clients, their own families or themselves – this is an important dialogue.

I might, with encouragement, provide more up close and personal critiques of specific areas of these facilities in an effort to offer further assistance and insight in emphasizing the positive and calling out the negative for improvement. Many of these residents are trapped to a certain extent – not having made this decision for themselves. It seems imperative that we raise the bar to insure safe, clean, sensitive, environments of dignity and comfort for all.




Hearts Are At The Heart Of It All

Su mundo es corazones. Artist Paola Alonso Rangel is at the heart of Vallarta and literally that is the name of her shop, Corazon Vallarta, where she thrives amidst the bustling activity in the old town, on a busy street corner, with much traffic flowing by both in vehicles and on foot.


A man carrying a frightening large pane of glass about 6 feet long by 3 feet wide effortlessly and without intimidation marches down the street with taxis and buses bouncing by him. I cringe at the site and the young shop attendant, Nidia, shrugs with a smile and says “It’s Mexico.”

With Valentine’s Day nearing, this exciting little shop offers a wealth of opportunities to find just the right gift to say “be mine!”

Paola’s little Chihuahua, Pecas (Freckles), suns on the front step seemingly oblivious to all the activity swirling by. She is front and center of all that is happening in Corazon Vallarta.

A designer and hands-on artist of nearly everything she sells in her shop, Alonso Rangel is a model of organization and time utilization. She has her machine fine-tuned and knows just what it takes to create, prepare, produce and market her work.


In the well-lit back room of her little tienda, she has all of her art supplies neatly organized on sturdy shelving sparing not one square inch of available space. Her computer plays soft Spanish songs that, with the fan blowing gently, creates a pleasing atmosphere where she designs and paints with a couple of assistants to assemble and package her work to sell.

As is true of most urban storefronts, the fine grit that is continuously accumulating from the dusty streets and vehicles in passing contributes to the concerns of successful retail presentation. Hers and others in this type of scene perhaps suffer more due to the cobblestones which collect and distribute ongoing layers of the sooty, dusty, fines.  So everything is kept painstakingly clean and wrapped in cellophane  – just another stage of the process that makes her conscientious practices so impressive.

From colorful wooden puzzles, picture frames, key hangers, boxes and magnets, the expansive home decor and gift collection, on which she collaborates with her brother in Guadalajara, is a treasure of her designs and creativity. All manner of colorful animals with whimsical expressions are the subjects of her puzzles with a bit of flowers and fruit in the mix for a generous variety of choices. Alonso Rangel designs all of the pieces while her brother and his crew with a manufacturing studio in Guadalajara do all the mill-work, brilliantly colorful painting and glossy lacquer finish.


Other of her work is comprised of original one-of-a-kind creations on canvas and wood, heart-themed all in keeping with her heart-felt passion for  corazones.

She efficiently sets-up her own assembly line of stages of production, with Pecas supervising closely, so that her by-hand (hecho a mano) originals are always filling the walls and shelves and being lovingly selected by customers to take home.

Steel heart sculptures, wooden cut-outs, carvings, and more are the multi-media of her continually, seemingly endless creative concepts and body of work!


Thank you Paola for all of your inspiration – by design!



Color of the Year 2017 Greenery!!

Ta Da! Pantone announces its color of the year for the coming 2017…drum roll please…and the color is Greenery!! Yay!!! Last year there were two  – yes, imagine that – they couldn’t decide so they slurried Rose Quartz and Serenity resulting in a pale, cool, wimpy blend of soft rose and lavenderesque shades into a blended wispy pastel dream. Non-committal, in my opinion…lacking confidence.  Last year the rationale was stated by Pantone’s Executive Director, Leatrice Eiseman as…


But this year they have it with this fresh organic hue in a yellow-ish shade primed for this year’s rationale from Ms. Eiseman which is:


I have always loved green. I grew up in a Virginia jungle of a suburban neighborhood inside the Beltway surrounding my hometown of Washington DC. where the first signs of spring were the tiny tips of dogwood leaves poking forth from the delicate branches of those beautiful under-growth trees. The dogwoods were the graceful, human-scale layer beneath the towering canopy of the immense, rigid, vertical tulip poplar and white oak trees that commanded the woods.

Soft mosses, lacey ferns and perky lily of the valley carpeted the hidden pockets of our backyard. New growth is that prediction of amazing renewal and promise of the start of summer. So it is a prime observation that as Eiseman states in her 2017 rationale “greenery…bursts forth…with a reassurance we yearn for…” although I do not feel this is peculiar to this year as winter always makes me yearn for greenery and the reassurance  that spring and summer will return.

My mother also loved green and that probably influenced my childhood perception of comfort and context of it in interior design. She had and still has an eye for color. In 1959 she selected an amazing sculpted wool pile carpet in a warm, dark, neutral, taupe tone and built upon it a color scheme of pinks and greens that was subtle and relaxing, organic and contrasting, blending beautifully in our wooded setting of verdant lushness in which we were cozily situated.

That was upstairs where we felt like we lived in a flowering tree house amidst the dense collection of green leafy between the trees and surrounded by all shades of pink and white azaleas. Downstairs, where we retreated in the winter months, her greens were mixed with gold tones creating a warm interpretation of the greenery around us.

When so many in that era, between the 60s and 70s, were styling interiors with heavy oranges, browns and golds,


my mother gravitated toward Lily Pulitzer’s fresh, tropical palette of lime green and hot pinks, clean crisp turquoise and citrusy lemon yellow – both in her wardrobe and her interior accent colors.


Our beach house was turquoise and teal, navy and tan – the sea and the sand.

Following color trends is a slippery slope. I have blogged about it in the past. Adopting that which is often a combination of colors instantly records a place in time when everything from bath towels and shower curtains, bed dressings to draperies appears in the marketplace and inserts its predetermined obsolescent combinations into the lives of so many who would rather catch the wave – often behind the crest – to own and participate in what is conveyed by the market to be the “in” thing to do and to have.

It is best not to embrace and adopt the combinations that the market presents. It is better to select color and combinations that transcend the trends – skirt them so as not to fall into the trap of dated color schemes and tired combinations. Some avoid the trap by staying neutral. The safe, timeless colors of whites and grays mushrooms and taupes- but where is the risk and fun in that?

“Too bad for them” I often remark. It is such a missed opportunity…a limitation to select colors that you think you are supposed to like rather than those that truly bring you joy. I say “go for joy every time.” Color is such personality. It is a stage-setting element. It is a backdrop or foreground. It is a theme. It is an atmosphere.

With all that having been said, I for one am thrilled with this fresh selection for the new year. A bright beginning full of hope and new growth, fresh starts and positive forward movement – organic and life-affirming. So seek the colors that brings you joy and go forth with color in this new 2017 soon to arrive. My personal schemes will always have greenery!!!

50 Tips Patti says will help assist with design dilemmas!

These observations have proven valuable and will be the subject of upcoming posts for the weekly blog…almost weekly blog. A compilation of themes prompted by real clients and personal answers & ideas for YOU from Doorstep Design Delivery by PATRICIAN DESIGN!!

  1. Use dimmer switches whenever possible.
  2. Do not be afraid of color.
  3. Treasure family heirlooms.
  4. Know why you are installing window treatments.
  5. Mirrors can be your friends.
  6. All leather is not alike.
  7. Layering adds dimension.
  8. Trends can be your downfall.
  9. Eclecticism is personality
  10. Odd numbers of elements make better groupings.
  11. Rugs are wonderful.
  12. Discover new ways to use existing pieces.
  13. Fresh flowers are joyful.
  14. Focal points speak volumes.
  15. Minor changes can make major differences.
  16. Ceilings are opportunities.
  17. Find alternate uses for common things.
  18. Collections can be cool.
  19. Treat yourself to statement pieces.
  20. Enjoy connecting interiors with the outdoors.
  21. Prioritize to plan effectively.
  22. Deconstructing parts can result in creative assemblies.
  23. Balance is key – opposites attract.
  24. Pillows are easy seasonal punctuations.
  25. Plants bring life.
  26. Mobiles and kinetic sculptures add animation.
  27. Even small water features can be soothing.
  28. Incorporate old with new schemes…conversely new with vintage interiors.
  29. Do not fear dark walls in small spaces.
  30. Everyone benefits from a bit of bling.
  31. Test samples do not always satisfy actual finished effect.
  32. Avoid stopping finishes mid-surface or on outside corners.
  33. Textures tantalize.
  34. Scale is critical.
  35. Faux fur has come a long way.
  36. Matching might be monotonous.
  37. Find treasures at second hand shops.
  38. Collect ideas – inspiration abounds.
  39. Zones matter regardless of size.
  40. Punch it up often.
  41. Music and sound are design elements.
  42. Masking unwanted sounds is an art.
  43. Form should follow function but sometimes they are simultaneous.
  44. Context is critical.
  45. When white is an intentional wall color.
  46. Appearance retention is key.
  47. Beware of light sources solely from above.
  48. Fish tanks relax – as art, architecture or furniture.
  49. Daylight vital – circadian rhythm count
  50. Wabi Sabi has value.


Good design enhances life. Consultations no longer are dependent upon personal interviews. Technology has facilitated communication between designers and clients.Custom solutions in the form of samples and sketches can be delivered to your doorstep! Doorstep Design Delivery from PATRICIAN DESIGN.

Please contact us regarding cost-effective, quick fixes for your design dilemmas. or 505-242-7646.

Visit our website

E-design…Is It for YOU?

An article from the Washington Post came across my desk a couple of weeks ago by Bonnie McCarthy “E-decorators” draw cost-conscious clients. In this article she identifies what she calls the “modern trappings of online interior designers – designers who by her estimation are “renovating the process of how style comes home.” 20160416_103139_resized

In this writing she interviews interior designers about their various methods of providing services to their clients and certainly the newer way is more virtual than hands-on in-person. But think about it – designers have always had to deal with virtual conditions. Working from plans is just that!

With the new generation of consumers – millennials and those to follow –  computers are an appendage. Everything is referenced or accessed via a computer, tablet or smart phone. So it’s natural for them to utilize these tools for design inspiration or consultation. The article however is noting this new approach for everyone who expects a designer to be an expensive on-site investment.

Throughout the article it references the “new” e-design approach as a now more cost-effective, affordable exchange with interior designers. I think that sounds like a gimmick. The time spent is the time spent – the ideas provided are just that and the fees are the fees. Now, if these e-designers or unlicensed decorators are lowering their fees – well then that’s part of the story. However, I do not get the feeling that they are. Rather, I get the feeling that they are merely marketing to a broader audience than those found in their immediate physical locations. Smart. There’s another part of the story. Selling the idea that this is cost-effective over having to meet live with a designer and thereby getting those customers and also broadening the reach to those potential clients is a gimmick that seems to be working.

The fact that the article suggests that this new “e-design” consultation is more cost-effective than live and in-person versions of the same is interesting. Maybe it is – maybe not. It would save transportation time for the designer and they might pass that savings on to their clients – or they might just have higher fees and more profit for their time involved. Difficult to know – hourly consultation rates vary according to location and market price.

For the designers or firms that have established a formula and template for their clients, this seems fairly efficient. On-line information forms quiz clients on their likes and dislikes, personality and requirements. However,this can also be can occur on a local level at the outset of an in-person consultation. The combination of digital communication and in-person, on-site design consults might just be the best process. A client’s form might even be filled out in advance of the first meeting via email to give the designer an intro to the project. Digital images of the space in question can be uploaded for the designer to review, evaluate, and critique. What once was the method of clients snipping magazine articles and photos for review and discussion, sites like Pinterest allow for a place where designer and client can “pin” their ideas for visual communication and discussion.

So is it the cost? Is it the seeming efficiency? Is it the working at your own convenience after hours? What makes the e-design attractive? Why is it better than having a designer come to your residence and discuss on-site with images and tangible samples what you want and the designer recommends?

Tangible samples…I don’t even like or trust what I see on-line regarding fabrics and carpets – anything textile for sure is impossible on a monitor. Tangible samples that you can touch and feel, press and fold, rub and caress are invaluable features of the selection process. Therefore, the sensory deprivation of e-design is one negative. Yes, samples can be mailed – but there is a lag-time there too.

The myriad choices made available online now for home decor shopping has opened up the entire world of possibilities for the consumer. But that same client exposed to these limitless wonders of the world cannot cull their finds with confidence to bring together a cohesive design. In this design process, some things have to be forfeited and others embraced and incorporated. It’s all about making the right decisions. The designer aids in and facilitates making those right decisions and bringing in even more ideas to the project with their expertise and experience.

With thorough websites, designers can present their work and potential clients can research until they find one that they think meets their expectations. Once that has been established, the client can even interview a few designers to make sure that the in-person chemistry is there between them. Or…there’s face-time!!

So back to the e-design. It’s not new – the methods are – but design across the miles has been going on for decades. Plans mailed, faxed and now digitally shot over the globe. Prior to a building being built – it is a virtual place designed diagrammatically, built in models, illustrated, and sketched – by hand or CAD it only exists in the mind’s eye of the designers and those to whom they are conveying these concepts. ILLUSTRATION RESI CROP P1030518  Selecting the interior furnishings and finishes for these edifices has always been similarly virtual. Until something is built and furnishing  installed, the designs are all “virtual.”

So “e-design” is on another plane of communication with the client with new tools to facilitate and communicate. But the advantages or lack thereof are many and seem to be more applicable to a client in a remote location without benefit of good local designers.

I knew an incredibly creative and adventurous couple who, back in the 60s and 70s, established a private resort on an island where everything was selected and obtained via mail-order catalogs, shipped across the water, received in docks, transported to local delivery vessels and dropped on a beach weeks later. Not so different today for those located far from the modern conveniences but connected now to the  world via the internet, fast jets of Federal Express, DHL, UPS and all the trucks, sea trains and land rails that move goods around the world. That’s when this instantaneous assistance for decision-making with a designer over the miles can be extremely advantageous – you have no other means of getting together and the framework is in place to do it all remotely.

So if you fancy the idea of having an LA designer consult for your condo in Dupont Circle or a Denver designer make their recommendations for you in Boston, so be it.  Yet, I say investigate your local interior designers, visit their websites, contact their references,  and see how their fees and talents compare between each other, and then compare to them to the e-offerings on-line and go with what works best for you!


Millenials Setting & Drivng Market & Trends

The conversation about the lifestyles or preferred lifestyles of today’s millennials is leading trends from real estate and development to interior design.  The vocalization of the desires and needs is an enormous help to the market on all fronts. Rather than the market trends guessing about and driving the consumers – the consumers are speaking out and driving the trends.

I guess I’m not hearing anything new though. It seems that 30 years ago the wishes were similar- but there was no conduit to express the collective ideas and preferences.  Upon graduation the want to stay connected to your peers, be close to bars and restaurants and fun shops was certainly a desire…but there was no platform to express those would-be market-driving desirable features.   But what is happening is that the voice is more audible  and the markets are responding . It’s an obvious result attributable  to social media – fast, accessible voices sharing and communing about their lives and their dreams.  Generation Y is telling everyone what will work for them and if you want their business – provide the products.   After all, they ARE the Net Generation – living, eating and breathing  and influencing all that bombards the screens from wrist watches to full mega monitors. The power of the internet.

Small Living Room Zen Design

They search and pin, collecting ideas and forming concepts about their interiors. Whether these interiors are in tiny urban condos or trendy lofts, suburban apartments or affordable houses,  the trends are voiced. They prefer open plans, creative space-utilization, LED lighting, and all things tied to flat screen technology. But remember, there are practical things to consider in these millennial trim modern-rustic-3

When in a multi-unit building, rules apply – like certain percentages of flooring must be covered. Sound transmittance of hard surfaces must be minimized. This is true of other noise restrictions. Some places will not allow storage in parking spaces – which makes space-utilization all the more critical. Nor will they allow pets.

But the communal nature of this density housing is also great common areas to work and play. Office-like rooms for those who work from home but don’t want to be isolated in their unit. Swimming pools and workout rooms…lots of amenities – lots of style. open plan cucina-Orange-Evolution-32

This subject of interior design style for the millennials will continue next week…ideas and examples!