Everyone loves “Before & Afters.” The transformation of an object or a space is the magic of interior design. One of the most valuable elements in our design wheelhouse is fabric. Fabrics have the ability to transform. Like paint – color – altering to enhance a piece or the entire environment, fabrics offer not only color, but texture, pattern, design and style.
I love a good find. Call it antiquing, thrifting, scouting, treasure hunting…the hunt is the intrigue. Exploring random sources to find the perfect piece. Once found – knowing what, if anything, is needed to transform it.

Reupholstery is a life-saving treatment. To salvage a tired piece with good bones and great lines is a service to good design. Pairing old pieces with new fabrics is rejuvenating. Inserting fabulous fabrics into a design scheme is a fine art that gives aged pieces a new life and contributes to the uniqueness of the composition of a space.

Of the design elements, paint is the one with the seemingly limitless choices. Fabrics are next. The worldwide variety of textiles, creatives, fibers and the combinations thereof are vast. Searching for just the right fabric for a specific piece is part of that treasure hunt.
You have heard the term “run of the mill.” Even for many, having never thought of this as a fabric metaphor – this phrase is used commonly to describe the common. It means ordinary – a common, mass-produced product’s run of a manufacturing mill. Using common fabrics is a cop-out when it comes to creating unique designs – especially when there are so many incredible fabrics from which to choose.

Personality comes into play when selecting a fabric. Along with function (how durable/cleanable it needs to be), the taste and preferences of the user, and the context in which it might occur – personality of the pieces plays a major role. For example, reading the personality of a chair – its lines and scale.

The personalities of fabrics are as endless as the textiles themselves. Fabrics evoke moods, seasons and even attitude. For commercial use, as well as heavy-use residential – workhorse fabrics have evolved. Not long ago, durable fabrics looked durable, less attractive and limited. And without turning this into a continuing education course about fiber content, it is obvious once you investigate the options, durability for wear, ultraviolet tolerance, mildew resistance, and antimicrobial properties – are all woven or applied to fabrics allowing amazing installations in commercial interiors that you would not hesitate to have on your living room sofa!

Residential interiors can now enjoy what commercial interiors have realized for years. By incorporating the durability and cleanability which allows for the wear and tear – without showing those signs of real life – residential and commercial interiors incorporate fabulous fabrics that defy their strength – beauty and style conquer!
Sustainability of the fiber sources is an increasing topic of conversation. That and the fiber contents regarding the health/safety of the materials and treatments, if any, used (Okeo Tex certification, for example).
With all this information regarding the myriad options, enhanced durability and the unique opportunities that textiles provide to dress your great pieces – treasure the history, family hand-me-downs (if not heirlooms) and give them new life!!!! Its ART!!!