Racing through the Albuquerque Sunport several times this summer, I had seen in swift passing the blindingly brilliant bling of the Low Rider exhibit that had been set-up at the end of June. Last week I had an opportunity, while waiting in the arrival area, to peruse the many amazing rides that commanded the concourse.

This powerful art exhibit of the unique Latino culture of Low Riders represents great personal pride and emotional attachment on behalf of the owners and artists (often one and the same).

These finished products are almost like songs…from memorials to love interests, family and friendships – they express heartfelt emotions to present and share with the world.

Once stereotypically thought to be limited to the bad boys taunting law enforcement with their wild paint jobs, gleaming chrome, bold moves, wild suspension, blaring music in a defiant statement of cultural expression, these amazing art pieces have since been recognized by distinguished museums worldwide for their exquisite attention to detail and the stories they tell.

In this exhibit, these moving statements of artistic expression are all home-grown. Yes, each made here in New Mexico it makes it all the more relevant.

Visitors to the Sunport have this wonderful opportunity – up close and personal – to examine the seemingly flawless machines adorned with sensational color, pattern and design. “Kids” of all ages will appreciate this show!

Each as though a canvas for the artist…motorcycles, kid’s versions and cars adorned with glitter, shine, polish and paint colors all contributing to the each unique statement. From airbrush to tedious handwork and limitless patient detailing results in exciting assemblages.

There are also decades of photos featuring the evolution of the culture here.
By highlighting these fine, local examples the City hopes to elevate the art form on its merits and dismiss some of the stigmas attached with the stereotypes.
And we all will have a little fun imagining the thrill of taking a ride in/on one of these beauties!!!