It’s true. If you think designer’s projects go more smoothly than the ones they do with and for you, you’re wrong. It’s true – they don’t! It’s about Murphy’s Law and I have been remodeling our master bath for months. Starting in November and as recently as this weekend personally installing (DIY) the stone surrounding our mirror, it is still not finished. But it’s close.
The full-wall mirror was re-used. During the removal and transportation to be cut-down, the edge cracked and had to be cut down…we lost an inch or so – no big deal EXCEPT that it then affected the dimensions of the new stone surround that had already been determined. Oh well…we now will have to cut the tile – had intended not to have to do that. One of the many little surprises and delays. We had to order more stone and will now engage the installer to cut the ones that would not fit the new and slightly non-parallel conditions .

It’s actually fun to tile…until you have to cut it. It is like frosting a cookie and then pressing it onto the wall. It goes quickly and gives instant gratification. But when things are not perfectly parallel, something has to give. That’s when we cut. (Or call someone to cut!!!)

The effect, of having almost all of the mirror surround finished, gets us that much closer. The effect is great and is beginning to feel like the intended design.

The shower before and after is providing the open expansive look that our little shower enclosure didn’t provide. Despite the facts that the footprint is nearly the same and the old enclosure was all clear glass – albeit framed in gold finished aluminum – this new single panel of 1/2″ clear glass and white-on-white floor and walls looks clean and open. Not a snail design – but, no door. Prepared to add a white shower curtain on a custom curved aluminum ceiling track once winter returns – but for now we’re enjoying the refreshing and comfortable atmosphere.

We elected to use stacked stone on the rear wall of the shower as our house sits at the base of the majestic Sandia Mountain and selecting stone seemed more grounded and contextual than other decorative options – of which there are a million from printed concrete, glass mosaic, embossed porcelains…the list goes on…

Decorative elements are beginning to “read” against the new finishes. The same Portuguese ceramic footed rectangular container holds a bouquet of white washcloths. Yes, I think that the rolled terry towels look like rosebuds and I have always enjoyed the softening effect they provide amidst all the other hard surfaces. Plus they are handy on the countertop for clean replacements.

Behind the terry rosettes, notice the pair of Heisey open and lidded pair of stemmed glass vessels that I use for make-up brushes and cotton balls respectively.

The same crystal wide-mouth vase holds and dispenses the facial tissues. I love the effect of the white-on-white coiled folds of the tissues. They are soft and read interestingly through the cut crystal.

I’m a LEO and find myself discovering and enjoying subtle references to lions. Our front door knocker and this cache pot that I’ve had for over 20 years as examples.

Nothing in this new scene is new. These accessories are all the exact items that were scattered on the countertop previously! Funny how the exact same decorative accessories work so well in this new interior!
A silly little collection of found things in a family inherited vintage pressed glass bowl including a glass marble, square frosted glass coke-bottle-colored mosaic tile, various sea shells and fragments, a squashed bottle Coca Cola bottle cap from Mexico, a hemp cord DIY necklace with a shell pendant…

Another glass tray that was also on the previous countertop presents my fragrances, a few products, a bobble-head turtle, my Waterford ring stand stacked with costume glass rings, my tragic, yet miraculous jade bracelet (save for another story), a fossilized bone – in – stone I found as a child, my white framed sunglasses which might seem selected for the new color scheme – when, in fact, they are a result of my love for white framed glasses and these that I bought even though I didn’t like the would-be “reader” small lenses – I kept. I don’t like the way they look on – so have relegated them to the master bath for emergency dashes to the outdoors, on the upstairs deck when my other sunglasses are downstairs!

Still to complete…the stone mirror surround, hang the glass shade for the new pendant light fixture, install the towel/robe plugs, install the polished chrome drawer bar handles to match the new square door and drawer pulls, clear all the remaining stone pieces, thin-set and grout bags and boxes from the tub deck, install the new window sills…
Re-evaluate your existing accessories (and/or furniture) before feeling the need to change everything when you remodel. Watch for the completed before and after shots of this remodel soon to come. Well, relatively soon!!