Southwest Style – What is it?

Arriving for the first time in our American Southwest, one might feel like they have entered a different country, if not a different world!! To fly from anywhere else where there are rolling green hills, or green fields or dense green wooded landscapes, not to mention tropical environs and cruise over America’s Southwest, it looks like the moon – or some barren planet. Everyone remembers their first impression. Whether exotic or scary, lonely or seemingly uninhabitable, once you get on the ground and explore the beauty and variety of what’s here, you’re bitten – even smitten.

In all fairness, this is a completely defoliated winter shot!! Many now know how lush this magnificent Sandia Mountain can be at the top, in the summer. Yes, I said lush.

No other region has the distinct architecture and tri-cultural identity of what has become the elemental design style and flavor of this magical place. From “sea to shining sea” New England to Southern California you will find nuances of regional distinction – but not to the degree that the American southwest is set apart. Architectural influences from colonization have been the standard guiding style nationwide. Yet the ancient, practical elements, of civilization that long preceded the Europeans discovering the New World, is at the roots of this enchanting design style.

Tri-cultural architecture and interior design results from the remarkable history combining Native Americans carving out of stone walls, building with mud (adobe) bricks, devising simple, practical designs to capture heat and insulate in cold while minimizing solar gain in the warm weather months, with the conquering Spaniards and their colonial influences, and finally the pioneers from the east with their colonial English influences.  Now more often replicated, with frame construction and stucco facades, this unique melding is the core of Southwestern architectural design.

When one hears the term “earth tones” setting a design trend in the 70s, it suggests the brown, tan, orange palette that was terribly limiting. Certainly to label it earth tones, it became a curse of a color scheme. Sadly to link it to a representation of southwestern design was misplaced and unfortunate. And how sad to think that it was so broadly accepted – like lemmings following blindly – everyone adopted this as a truism. So often the case with trends.   The 70’s also spawned a diametrically opposite color scheme of blues and greens to refresh that which had been so mired in the “earth-tone” movement.

However, real earth tones are limitless. Earth tones are all colors…look down…look around. Even if you confine your interpretation to the dirt beneath your feet – the colors are vastly more than the brown, tan, rust, orange that became the rage. Soft pinks and grays, pale blue and whites…look at dirt. It might be more clay, might be more peat – from soft terracotta to dark espresso – dirt is earth and the colors and tones are limitless.

Tom Glover captured the beauty of the natural landscape through his artistic photographic medium that Georgia O’Keeffe and others have depicted through their artistic media.


Georgia O’Keeffe saw it and captured it in her own enduring style.

Nature offers color. Natural dyes have riddled that art world through time. Synthetic dyes took it a level further. But nature is at the core of all we have in this world.

Turquoise being a natural mineral in the American Southwest became a signature accent color punctuating the soft earthen tones of the adobe design palette.

Artist Victoria Martinez Rodgers paints a valley apple orchard and the turquoise wall is the perfect backdrop.

Color was always there for those who cared to notice. The great painters of this region presented it well. Their recordings of everything from the many colors of the rugged windswept landscapes to lush green mountain forests with shimmering golden aspen groves – and bosque cottonwoods screaming with yellow brilliance capture and convey so much more.

In autumn, bosque cottonwoods explode with color sending a streak of brilliant yellow all along the Rio Grande. Federico Leon de la Vega create this commissioned oil painting from a photo provided by his clients.

There are the natural and also synthetic dyes that were woven through the magnificent textiles of the Native Americans – blankets and articles of clothing were not limited to buckskin animal hides.

Ernest Blumenschein was the founder of the Taos Society of Artists capturing the color and textures of the realities that he encountered in this Land of Enchantment.

Sunsets everywhere play a part in the imagery of the landscape – here we see vast landscapes with brilliant fiery skies and those exciting corals and lavenders, soft pink and blue wisps provide inspiration for wall colors and backdrops to our richly embellished interior designs.

Yet spare, understated neutral interpretations also offer elegant representations of southwestern style.

So what do you visualize when you think of Southwestern Design? Please don’t say a turquoise wooden cutout of a howling coyote! Death by Southwestern Style – the overdose resulting from overdone clichés and trends that have spoiled the real art and beauty.

It doesn’t have to be all about cow skulls and pelts…but these cow hide butterfly chairs are pretty  cool!!!

Perhaps you see a Mexican influence which is also part of the melding of the regional style – like food, we have a fine line sometimes with certain traditional dishes that when adopted and adapted by American Southwest kitchens took on a unique identity all its own – differing between Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California. We all enjoy bringing art and craft from our southern neighbors into our designs.

Borrowing, sharing, combining so many design elements such as adobe architecture, colonial wood trim detailing, fired brick technology, Mexican Talavera tile and pottery,

Native American textiles and so many other handcrafts

The owners of this interior have an intimate relationship with each of the artists that they have collected down to this magnificent mount of a buffalo. They knew him and his name and why he was put down.

from punched and tooled tin, paintings and pottery – southwestern interior design is rich with color, texture, artistic detailing and true soul. The connection to the earth is undeniable and nature always plays a key role.

So how might you introduce southwestern influences into YOUR design scheme? You could tile the wall(s) of a powder room in Talavera Tile. Maybe just a mirror surround?

You might paint an accent wall – or all walls in a room or some other bold color inspired by a regional image

Mango watercolor by Susan Weeks splashes coral against the golden yellow wall with a lime green lighted cabinet showcasing old, traditional, low-fire Talavera tableware. classic Talavera blue and white tile frame the bar opening and on through out the kitchen.

and collect art pieces such a punched tin crosses, wood and straw,

landscape or still life painting, hang a blanket or drape a bed with a beautiful woven textile…introducing different styles speaks to last week’s story about eclecticism. Don’t be afraid to mix things that you like. What brings you joy?




Discovering Patterns

This week began with a juicy fabric presentation. I say juicy because it got my design juices working and I was inspired to take photos and imagine the opportunities to insert these wonderful colors, patterns and textures into upcoming projects.

Take the chicken and the egg scenario. Do YOU often find that exciting design elements invite thoughts of projects for which to use them?

A fun exercise is to take your camera and search for patterns to photo…patterns are everywhere from cast shadows to fabrics, signs and graphics to fallen leaves.

Seeing these exciting new fabrics – you had no intention of changing all your throw pillows, but these stimulating samples might make you consider changing your entire collection!

The opportunity to offer unique fabrics for clients who would otherwise never be exposed to the samples – not know of the possibilities – is exciting. Being able to make this introduction is a treat.

This first batch was of clean, sophisticated, woven, geometrics in blacks, whites and charcoal tones.

Whimsical patterns and textures, with splashes of color, offer more possibilities.

Now see these rich woven patterns and colors in this next series. An explosion of color and pattern  with a decidedly native direction – prime for New Mexico and design projects looking to evoke the elements of the southwest and other opportunities inspired by indigenous art.

With all this freshly implanted in my ever-swirling brain of design fragments waiting to be assembled, I traveled north this weekend for an enchanting New Mexico wedding that further fed the theme of indigenous art, pattern and design.

The lobby of Buffalo Thunder was riddled with magnificent pueblo pottery. The designs were wonderfully intricate and I saw them as stand-alone elements that could easily be fabric motifs. Here on pottery – but so fascinating to consider as possible inspirations for fabric patterns and designs.

Anasazi Buffalo Pot – Acoma Pueblo

Suggestive of a court jester, this expressive piece tells a figure story. The bold patterns make a powerfully beautiful statement. Who loves bold stripes? Do you wear them? Do you upholster with them?

Evening Star by Katherine Wall from the Jemez Pueblo

Cut-outs on lobby lounge chairs, with geometric upholstery, atop bold zig-zags of the area rug proves combining patterns creates a fine line between exciting juxtapositions and pairings – and risking possible disturbing disruption of order. Comedian Steven Wright uses dry wacky wit delivering hysterically funny observations to convey a sense of the obvious with a twist. I’m paraphrasing one I remember from years ago… “You know that feeling that you get when you lean way back in a chair…way back on the back legs…back so far that you are just about to fall…I feel like that all the time.” That’s like that feeling with challenging design. It goes just far enough to get your attention…designers get that feeling as they push the theoretical limits of design – all the time!

Ok- this is not perhaps THE most outrageous example of this theory – but a fun, eye-catching combination nonetheless!

Buffalo Thunder resort was the jumping off point to then venture beyond into the thrilling landscape of La Mesita Ranch.

Mixing different colors of brick make this random patterned walkway very pleasing and interesting.

The setting was natural, organic and inspired.

Simply lovely centerpieces

See a lovely, intense example blooming blue and white and much more in Nantucket on the cover of the new June 2018 issue of Architectural Digest.

So look for patterns all around. Discover exciting opportunities to mix patterns and textures.

Be brave – play with patterns!



Inspiration Aroused in a Fantasy Pleasure Ground

Like gardens? Like ornate, ornamental, architectural fantasy structures? Do magical forms and colorful design elements arouse your creative juices?

Memorial Day and the holiday weekend offers festivities with family and friends, time to honor in memory those who have performed with honor to preserve and protect our freedom, reflective moments away from the rigors of the work-week, and in our case this weekend an extraordinary encounter with one of the country’s most magnificent “pleasure grounds!” Yes, an introduction to Tower Grove Park (thank you Ali-bali) and the awesome written description of its inception and extraordinary design in the 1860s was our sensational, design stimulating, multi-sensory, experience.

Perhaps these photos will provide ideas for your fence or railing detail or even a backyard gazebo!


If you would like to enjoy the language of the beautifully written original intent of this property in a manner and style that is not often experienced, please follow this link and be enchanted with great vision, joyful optimism and intimate appreciation.

Art and nature intertwine in these magnificent verdant grounds of Tower Grove Park with its wonderful gardens, charming Victorian pavilions and significant statuesque monuments. Conceived and donated by the visionary, Henry Shaw, in 1866. The writings of David MacAdam (found in the above referenced link) reference taking “ramblings” in the park – originally designed for driving in and through but with emphasized encouragement to go afoot to observe closely, in one’s casual time, these wondrous fields and arbors, around ponds and through gardens.

He writes “A visitor who takes a summer ramble in the park starting from the east entrance and noting the objects of interest we have mentioned, must certainly admit it is a most interesting and agreeable place. Every few steps will open a different view, ornamental structure or some work of art.”

Peeking from pockets of this enchanted scene are fanciful pavilions each with a singular identity.

We hear that winter scenes in the park present a wonderland of snow frosted evergreen trees, quiet pavilions, sculptural dark trunks, statuesque bronze figures and serene blankets of white dotted with the dormant shrubbery that comes alive once again each spring.

MacAdam further notes, “The artist of the graceful and cultivated style pursues, then, a middle course between the picturesque and the formality of the purely artificial, aiming always to preserve the harmony of natural forms and scenes.”

While the landscaping is magnificent, the architectural detail is captivating – conjuring up fairy tale scenes of dancing and romance. MacAdam writes further, in thoughtful detail, about the concept of encouraging the public to experience this grand property with all of its engaging ornament and ultimate beneficial consequence.  “To do this thoroughly they can hardly avoid walking a part of the distance, and the attractions of the place should induce them to do this contentedly, recollecting that one of the objects for which it exists is to invite persons of sedentary habits to healthful exercise. ”

I was so excited about the fretwork and fancy  details – the sunlight dappled across the frames of these sturdy yet delicate structures.

Inspiration around every corner with design elements that are timelessly graceful. Grill-work and column lines present powerful progressions.

It was as though these structures were attempting to emulate giant confections of fondant and frosting, carving and detail just shy of excess.

Realizing these structures are over a century and a half old, preserved by the enjoyment and appreciation of their patrons – which are all the people of St. Louis.

“The worrying command, “keep off the grass,” writes MacAdam “when the feet are aching to tread the carpet of youth’s memories, does not harass the visitor by springing out on his eye as he turns each curve. Music too is thrown in free in summertime, and thus all elements of pleasure and beauty are woven together in lightness and brightness for the general good. It is on the fact of this freedom in the use of a public park, the hopefulness it indicates in human nature, an the equal consideration it shows for all classes, is based in faith of those who believe in its refining and elevating influence. Such a place does not sermonize dogmatically, nor does nature. She exhibits a truth instead of voicing a doctrine. It unfolds fair spectacles, without restraint or an air of patronage, for all who care to see, and it thus tends to refute the selfish theories of either extremes of society, to reconcile  divergent elements, to encourage the gentler ideas and tastes, and to promote innocent recreations and purer manners. The poor are forced to see that wealth beyond their control, and without their asking, has created a resort free for the enjoyment of all, and the rich, by the equality in its use, are reminded of the artificial origin of class and the everlasting kinship of man.”

It was a glorious afternoon of optimism, inspiration and enjoyment. Happy Memorial Day weekend to all and may you find art and inspiration around every corner!

Selecting Stone

Stone. How do you select your stone? How did we become so fortunate to have so many choices? So many that we “take it for granted” or with a bit of stone humor, “for granite!!”

I’ve previously noted that trends come about as a result of changes in technology, availability, or the mere on-going need to keep creating and to keep the economy moving forward with the insatiable need for the newest – whatever.

In the early last century, plastic laminate – commonly known as Formica by both brand and composition – was invented and, over the ensuing decades, grew in color, pattern and application. It was THE counter-top material for cost and availability for generations and is still widely used today expanding its reach with quite remarkable textures, colors and faux finishes.

Stone – natural and timeless has been the luxury material – an alternative for only the rich and famous or those fortunate enough to live next door to a quarry. Stone has been the heart and the natural art of the world’s structure – the fantastic geology of our earth since the beginning and has formed with astonishing beauty and variety with the evolution of the planet. Quarried for centuries, ancient civilizations installed magnificent structures in close proximity to the source – natural resources with monetary resources at hand resulted in everything from edifices to interior finishes and furniture.

Voila – then technology and supply chain logistics made the cost and availability more accessible bringing stone into modern kitchens everywhere. Stone transported from Brazil, China, Italy and nearly every pocket of the planet offers a world of choices for YOUR counter-tops (and more). But with so many choices, how do you chose?

This will be a focal point of your kitchen. It is either the neutral against other lively patterns and textures or it is a matrix of color or perhaps a bold prominent swirling, sweeping statement of fantasy and magical movement. It is valuable to remind yourself that you are studying geology. Nature formed this. It is nature’s art.

Even in a tight matrix stone, irregular surprises of deposits can occur. The choice is to capture those statements adding character in your countertop or dodge them in favor of a more uniform, expected appearance. You either appreciate the wild nature of the seeming imperfections and regard them as fortunate finds or your prefer the expected uniformity of the overall look of the stone you have selected.  To accomplish this one way or another is to select your slab.

When ordering from a big box store, you often do not have that opportunity – they draw from an assortment of stocking sources and you won’t have the chance to pick your slab – just your variety. This can result in happy or not so happy surprises. Stone is a natural material.

Stone can be finished in a variety of textures from very highly polished to honed and even rough leather-like textures. These features are further details and enhancements that will make a significant difference in the overall style and impression of your design decisions. It’s a big investment – study your options and combinations of adjacent materials.

Samples of stone are just that – samples – cuttings from a slab – but no two slabs are alike. The sample you hold in your hand and place against cabinet and tile options might have a streak running trough it or be primarily one color that you picked because you loved – but the actual slab might not be that same composition.

The closet thing you can get is to have consecutive slabs cut allowing amazing pattern matching and anticipated designs. But it will slowly morph away from the specific design as the slabs are sliced illustrating the natural evolution of the stone’s formation.

When you have the opportunity, pick your slab. You can then see the actual details of the stone and more specifically you can layout your countertop template directly on the stone to know exactly what will occur where and how the finished countertop will look. In any case, a natural stone surface is a unique work of art!

Here, a unique warehouse of pre-cut slabs all 2, 3 or 4 x9 feet. The cost is reduced due to bulk fabrication. Field cutting handles most installs while other fabrications shop can be engaged to create custom installations.

Every piece of rock extracted from the earth has its own character. From color, pattern, and mineral specks, enhanced by the process of cutting and polishing. Like a stone washed by rain, the colors are more rich and brilliant…that same stone dried has a softer dull appearance. This distinction between shiny or mat, polished or honed is another choice depending upon the context and look of the intended design.  Knowing what a natural thing can become either used in its raw state or enhanced to modify its appearance is the key to more choices.

BONUS offer!!! You can have your island in a different stone for contrast or complimentary reasons!!!

Once you’ve selected your stone, you then pick the edge detail. A few options are – square for a clean modern look,

radius for a more durable edge and softer statement. Notice the seam that results from laminating two thin slabs for a larger bullnose  subtle and if done well, not noticeable without close inspection.

Broken edge for the rough natural look – granite (the tough choice) and also shown here, sandstone (not the best choice for a working counter-top, but rustic and great for wall caps, benches, mantles and hearths.


An ogee edge for a more formal detail.

Natural stone is durable and easy to maintain. Have no fear! It tolerates heat and is terrific for transferring hot baking pans or dishes from the stove or oven. You can chip the edge with a strong blow – but otherwise will not be easily damaged. The stain issues are nearly non-existent. While some stones are more prone to staining, others are more imperious and with improved sealants, most are warranted for anti-stain. Furthermore, stains – IF they occur, can be usually be removed/restored/refinished on-site. The only other concern might be susceptibility to acid etching which varies with differing stones. As is true with staining, these areas can often be repaired on-site in your home.

If you want to be certain of your stone’s properties prior to purchasing, use a sample and apply the dealer’s suggested sealer. Put test patches on it with things like tomato paste, citrus juice, oil and wait a few hours…wipe the sample clean and you’ll know how it responded. Each stone’s resistance to staining, scratching or etching varies with the source, composition, color and finish.

Now natural stone has a lot of competition from man-made materials, solid surfaces, engineered stone, concrete…they vary according to their fabrication, composition and finish, but most do not possess the same durability and impervious properties of natural stone. Investigate each on its own merits. There are often times when design decisions favor the aesthetic of a man-made material. As always, make your decision weighing the pros and cons.

With so many choices…how will YOU decide?







For the LOVE of Fine China – USE IT – Inspired Table Settings

From the Diminishing Dining Room of last week’s observations,, I decided to further the conversation to encourage a new-found appreciation for having fun setting dinner tables!  I found fodder from Kentucky Fried Chicken served on formal silver platters to wipe-clean placements of dazzling designs to dress your tables.  A collection of tireless designers defend the use of fine china – own it, buy it, find it, inherit it, enjoy it, keep it and use it – don’t send it to the thrift shop!!!

Yes, the art of fine dining seems to be set aside in favor of ease and expediency, but this article from The Washington Post’s HOME section (thank you Feath – my clipping service) brings it all home to use and enjoy.  It is a celebration of art, design and playful creativity.

Not everyone loves to entertain, to create the “tablescape,” to even bother to put together an outfit to wear. Not everyone loves to get dressed in the morning – it is a chore, an obligation, a mere necessity. That’s unfortunate in my estimation. For those of us who do – love it – it is all about having fun with fashion or interior design is just that – FUN!

Last spring I began a series  of emails that I blasted to our mailing list called COOK + PARTY. It was (and will continue this next season) a collection of weekly recipes paired with table-top art pieces. In our gift boutique, we represent an incredible collection of artists who create fabulous tableware.  I paired a piece with a recipe each week to inspire and encourage everyone to use “functional” art in their daily lives and specifically for entertaining and even the family dining table.

Recent fodder revealed a great source for fabulous wipe-clean placemats from Caspari.  For decades a fine source for the best paper cocktail napkins, Caspari offers these bold patterns and colors, prints of fine china and fabulous fabrics – re-use and easy to clean – why not?

A previous fall blog that I wrote illustrates the open-mindedness of looking around to find inspiration for seasonal table dressings.  The decision for your table-top inspiration can be spontaneous – just go outside and look around!


Among the refreshingly optimistic designers that were quoted in the Washington Post article:

Barry Dixon, from the verdant rolling hills of Warrenton, Virginia, specifically points out that this process of setting your table should be fun!  Don’t pull-out the same things each time – mix it up! Change it up by adding color and pattern differently with every new opportunity.

Seasonal flowers, yellow woven cotton place-mats, embroidered folk-art table runner, basket chargers beneath classic Limoges topped with ceramic napkin rings – it looks like spring!

Designer Timothy Corrigan tells us that many people find it too difficult to entertain with their best things because the onus of proper cleaning and put-away is too much! But Mr. Corrrigan points out the joy of using your best things every day – everyday is a celebration and what you enjoy should be used.

In another springtime setting…organic, rustic things with finery – black stones nestle fresh purple Campatula flowers antique Limoges and basket chargers –  makes an eclectic table settings – it’snot all or nothing…it’s the combinations and scene that is being set.

Hutton Wilkinson – way out in L.A. where casual chic is the practice of distilling what migrated from the more formal sister coast to the east – noted that he believes presentation is the key to success. It isn’t so much about what is served (don’t tell the chefs that), but rather on what it is served and how it is presented.  Imagine buckets of Kentucky Fried chicken served on elegant Georgian silver platters. That simple fast-food chicken becomes  magnificently irresistible. You can’t say you’re too busy to cook with that creative solution! Wilkinson believes that presentation helps food taste better in addition to looking beautiful! He advocates buying china because it’s beautiful – not merely serviceable. I agree…it’s not all about the mundane purpose of eating off of it – but rather the joy of eating off of it!!

Making your guests feel appreciated and treating them to a unique, pleasing experience is a gift to them.  A special treat to show that you care –  going that extra distance of detail and design.

Color combinations, textures,patterns – wonderfully pleasing tablescapes are a treat for the eye. (So special Marsha!)

So don’t say it’s too difficult…keep it simple with Real Simple – the source for easy, ingenious ideas and simple truths……the following link for proper place-settings will get you started.

Patti says – “make it special every day.”

DIY…Do It Yourself Beachfront Getaways or DWI…Designing While Intoxicated!!

Not as the title suggests…tequila shots and all – but another kind of intoxication…an intoxication from unexpected beauty, sensory overload, inspiration as seen in the following photographs.

Those of you bundled up against the elements this time of year…freezing your booties off in the icy winter climes. Enjoy this escape into your unbridled imagination of design and lifestyle gone wild!

Thought a beachfront condo was out of reach? Think again. With all the DIY out there on the internet today, anything is possible. As evidenced by the inspiring framework of architecture that I have encountered just this week alone, consider the possibilities and have a little fun!!!

Very simple things trigger design concepts. Beyond the fascination I have had with these beach structures, this particular photo was bathed in late afternoon light. The glow of the orange towels was emitting a warmth that was so tropical, had it not been on a tropical beach, finding the same boldly colored and textured structure in a snow storm would have elicited a startling, contrasting feeling of the same tangible warmth.

This make-shift west-facing beachfront was so beautiful, in its simplicity, that it spurred ideas of bold fresh color, basic found-material furniture possibilities, fabric design and organic architectural solutions for patios both commercial and residential.

Imagine raw elements  incorporated  with concealed structural support to convey the feeling of spontaneous simplicity.

Then there’s that general calling that speaks to “the natural integrity of the materials.” You realize it is a grounding.  It is a starting point of reference to all the embellishments, layers, machinations and manipulations that are possible.

Wood is wood until it is stained, painted,  appliquéd…when does it lose its “natural integrity?”  Even raw, man-made cinder block – CMU – concrete masonry units have their own natural character. Then stained in the aggregate or applied color, thickly coated…it alters it’s state – losing its material’s natural integrity.

What ignites design thrills? The fireworks of ideas that burst onto the scene illuminating so much that was previously obscured. It doesn’t have to be a remote and seemingly inaccessible tropical beach…it’s everywhere. Look around. See texture and color, shape and frame. Urban, suburban and rural settings in any climate all offer inspiration that can be isolated and appreciated. Design inspiration can be intoxicating.

Why is designing so exciting? Why is it often such a rush? You never know when an idea will appear or from where.

The world around you is a constant stimulation of ideas, inspirations and possibilities. You are thirsty for  whatever is out there…whatever is waiting to be discovered, implemented… quench those longings.  It is all about the freedom to allow ideas to be spawned from anything around you or in intertwined with your own imagination.

What fun to have come upon these simple structures on a glorious and sparsely populated beach. What fanciful design ideas and story-lines were prompted by the imaginary occupants, their creativity, resourcefulness and problem-solving simplicity.  Lest you think they house the homeless adventurers, they are actually sun-shades for creative surfers and affluent sun-bathers seeking a primitive beach experience.

How might these primitive structural solutions play into a future project? Watch for design trends to incorporate more organic materials and nature’s inspirations!

I’m ready to explore the possibilities. Are YOU?

Exterior Design – Celebrating Summer

As summer blazes on and we continue to enjoy the freedom offered by expanding our living spaces into the out-of-doors, I’m contemplating the variety of versions of outdoor living that are made possible by different climates. While friends in the tropics of coastal Mexico are complaining about the inescapable sweltering heat and humidity these summer months, the rest of the upper regions are rejoicing in the mere fact that the bitter cold is replaced by warm air and things are growing and green and flowering and alive!

Various water features come to life springing forth suggesting the refreshing sight and sound of a trickling brook,

bumble bees light on flowers that would be disintegrating clumps of dead growth in winter,

comfortable enjoyment of TVs on patios that become desolate, barren, outdoor rooms in winter.

The reverse is trending too however, where organic materials, (stone, woven reed rugs, plants, wood, bamboo) are used bringing nature inside the home.

This connecting nature indoors the home is a refreshing, rejuvenating  approach to design – in stark contrast to the crisp geometric inorganic feeling of other design trends. Taking it a step further is the seamless transition of the two.

Interior stone flooring flows out onto the patio…telescoping patio doors open allowing seamless transition between indoors and out.

“Transteriors” was coined by landscape designer Jamie Durie and his team who have enjoyed the broadening of his brand to link his exterior designs to the adjacent interior spaces with a celebration of sustainability and organic appeal. The brief mention in last month’s June 2017  edition of vmsd (Visual Merchandising + Store Design) was a validating article reinforcing my appreciation for the different climates and the design options and limitations we experience from zone to zone.

I’m returning this weekend to a project that I designed a few years ago in the Sonora Desert – it seems to have stood the test of time and is still referenced as a “Tangerine Dream” of indoor/outdoor living.

We didn’t have the luxury of telescoping doors opening glass walls to connect the inside with out, but we maximized the colors, materials, plants and design scheme to allow the transitional lifestyle flow. Stone and tropical plants inside speak to the same materials outside. Colors correlate and, in this case, the climate allows enjoyment outdoors all year around…with some minor limitations and yes, decided temperature changes.

But nothing like what occurs in the snowy climes where outdoor living – except some frigid winter sports – is all but closed for the season.

Advancements in technology and ideology have made transterior design much more viable –  allowing for amazing options for furniture, fabrics,

kitchens, fireplaces, flooring (take that same material from inside right out onto the patios – if its frost-proof), lighting and more from which designers can create exterior living spaces. These outdoor rooms so emulate the interiors that the transition is often difficult to see.  Not being able to discern the line between indoors and out is often the optimal effect – but not always…

Seasonal changes with interior/exterior design, like a change of clothes with the seasons, can also offer the expansion and exploration to entirely different spaces when the warm weather arrives that emphasize the design distinctions rather than trying to meld the two.

So venture out of your cozy bear’s lair the next time the crocuses begin to peek through the soil and the birds start to sing, whip out your rattan or faux wicker, teak lounges, hammocks, fabulous fabrics and potted palms and design your tropical summer retreat in your own backyard!




Everyone Needs a Little Country Sometime

I would like to share a treat of a house in a magical setting along a quiet waterway in the lush rural lake community of Edgerton, Wisconsin. A most talented friend has created a riverside home from a modest rambler. What was a dated structure with limited interior appointments, low ceilings, tiny high windows, and ordinary fixtures is now a soft, sophisticated, space outfitted with treasures gathered in the countryside, filled with history, character and antique charm.

Hands on and knowing exactly what she wanted to achieve, she began collecting interesting fixtures and hardware, furniture pieces and finishes. She hired a remodeling contractor, but worked closely with him and his architect to detail every facet of this home. Unwilling to compromise certain features, she enlarged all window openings, reconfigured the entry, gutted the kitchen, redesigned the bathrooms, ripped out the ceiling exposing structure – increasing volume exponentially – and added a garage.

Exposed beams, new white-washed tongue and groove boards applied to raised ceiling, a found wooden column used for structural support, new crown molding, bead-board wainscoting, re-designed fireplace surround, and creatively concealed storage closets, have re-shaped the entire character of this interior so dramatically that all who entered, not having yet seen this incredible transformation, were awed.

Hearing their comments as they passed through the spaces was amusing in their commonality. Everyone was amazed at the amount of work done, creative elements incorporated, fun finds she had collected to transform this modest house into this cozy cottage. Her two cats have wonderful vantage points to watch the activities in the rooms below as guests gathered to celebrate the weekend’s family wedding festivities.

Daylight streams through windows and floribunda gardens around the house are now communing beautifully with the interior.

Ever-so-soft blues, with whites of every shade, create a soft backdrop to collections of fine china to vintage scales and myriad eclectic antiques.

Outside a recently completed multi-tiered pond emits soft trickling background sound which wafts inside through the many open windows. Not to be reticent about being hands-on, this tenacious designer personally packed 23 loads of boulders and large stones into her truck, off-loaded and placed around the periphery of the pond. She planted tiny creeping vegetation among the stones, water plants, multiple trees and perennials to establish instant-gratification landscaping in her expansive backyard, which is a lush verdant botanical expression that grows abundantly right down to meet the river.

A great get-acquainted bonding of disparate family and friends occurred when we collected buckets of roadside flowers to make arrangements for the reception venue.

Wild bouquets punctuated with spectacular domestic flowers from the gardens surrounding the cottage provided fun activity and contributed to the charm of the scene.

Everyone needs a little country sometime.

Nature’s Valentine’s Greeting!!!

So when you least expect it…nature speaks. On a silent coastline on a great lake in the wilds of Wisconsin the stones on the beach offered a hidden alphabet of opportunity. Upon making this discovery, I searched for and collected just the right pieces and sent a love note to my sweetheart. Wishing he were there to share in the wonderful adventure that was hiking through the enchanted woods to this lakeside hideaway, I did the next best thing and found an expression of LOVE , took a photo and messaged off to him…technology and instant gratification – well, across the miles…


The lovely white stones were amazing…I don’t know the geology…could probably Google it, but suffice it to say they were white and soft, angular but smooth, bleached and clean – massed in a thick bed for miles along the shoreline. I wish I could have taken buckets of them to do something…fill a large snifter, layer in the sink for the water to spill over and remind me of this scene, touch and fondle – they were so special, so uniform in size – such a natural phenomenon of raw beauty.

Paired with the rough, elegant, weathered, driftwood that was scattered along the rubble and upon which I carefully placed the stones, the composition was truly a work of art – inspired by  nature and assembled by my eager fascination with the media.


Take away…love is all around – OH! has that been said before? Well…love IS all around us and to find an actual, natural formation of alphabet letters that allowed the simplest expression of literal words, to be transported across the miles,  was magic.

Art…design…nature…find it!!! Happy almost Valentine’s Day!!!!

Color of the Year 2017 Greenery!!

Ta Da! Pantone announces its color of the year for the coming 2017…drum roll please…and the color is Greenery!! Yay!!! Last year there were two  – yes, imagine that – they couldn’t decide so they slurried Rose Quartz and Serenity resulting in a pale, cool, wimpy blend of soft rose and lavenderesque shades into a blended wispy pastel dream. Non-committal, in my opinion…lacking confidence.  Last year the rationale was stated by Pantone’s Executive Director, Leatrice Eiseman as…


But this year they have it with this fresh organic hue in a yellow-ish shade primed for this year’s rationale from Ms. Eiseman which is:


I have always loved green. I grew up in a Virginia jungle of a suburban neighborhood inside the Beltway surrounding my hometown of Washington DC. where the first signs of spring were the tiny tips of dogwood leaves poking forth from the delicate branches of those beautiful under-growth trees. The dogwoods were the graceful, human-scale layer beneath the towering canopy of the immense, rigid, vertical tulip poplar and white oak trees that commanded the woods.

Soft mosses, lacey ferns and perky lily of the valley carpeted the hidden pockets of our backyard. New growth is that prediction of amazing renewal and promise of the start of summer. So it is a prime observation that as Eiseman states in her 2017 rationale “greenery…bursts forth…with a reassurance we yearn for…” although I do not feel this is peculiar to this year as winter always makes me yearn for greenery and the reassurance  that spring and summer will return.

My mother also loved green and that probably influenced my childhood perception of comfort and context of it in interior design. She had and still has an eye for color. In 1959 she selected an amazing sculpted wool pile carpet in a warm, dark, neutral, taupe tone and built upon it a color scheme of pinks and greens that was subtle and relaxing, organic and contrasting, blending beautifully in our wooded setting of verdant lushness in which we were cozily situated.

That was upstairs where we felt like we lived in a flowering tree house amidst the dense collection of green leafy between the trees and surrounded by all shades of pink and white azaleas. Downstairs, where we retreated in the winter months, her greens were mixed with gold tones creating a warm interpretation of the greenery around us.

When so many in that era, between the 60s and 70s, were styling interiors with heavy oranges, browns and golds,


my mother gravitated toward Lily Pulitzer’s fresh, tropical palette of lime green and hot pinks, clean crisp turquoise and citrusy lemon yellow – both in her wardrobe and her interior accent colors.


Our beach house was turquoise and teal, navy and tan – the sea and the sand.

Following color trends is a slippery slope. I have blogged about it in the past. Adopting that which is often a combination of colors instantly records a place in time when everything from bath towels and shower curtains, bed dressings to draperies appears in the marketplace and inserts its predetermined obsolescent combinations into the lives of so many who would rather catch the wave – often behind the crest – to own and participate in what is conveyed by the market to be the “in” thing to do and to have.

It is best not to embrace and adopt the combinations that the market presents. It is better to select color and combinations that transcend the trends – skirt them so as not to fall into the trap of dated color schemes and tired combinations. Some avoid the trap by staying neutral. The safe, timeless colors of whites and grays mushrooms and taupes- but where is the risk and fun in that?

“Too bad for them” I often remark. It is such a missed opportunity…a limitation to select colors that you think you are supposed to like rather than those that truly bring you joy. I say “go for joy every time.” Color is such personality. It is a stage-setting element. It is a backdrop or foreground. It is a theme. It is an atmosphere.

With all that having been said, I for one am thrilled with this fresh selection for the new year. A bright beginning full of hope and new growth, fresh starts and positive forward movement – organic and life-affirming. So seek the colors that brings you joy and go forth with color in this new 2017 soon to arrive. My personal schemes will always have greenery!!!