Whether a minimalist or an eclectic collector/gatherer, one’s details of home are important and personal. Like personality types, what is important to one person is not so much for another. However, it tells a story. The details of a home make it just that. Home.

Residences, the dwellings in which we live, can take many forms – from short-term to decades of ensconced living. To “reside” regardless of the length of time – suggests a certain level of comfort to include some detail(s) to make it “home.”

What might YOU consider imperative elements of what you call “home?” Consider comfort, color, ambiance, familiarity, convenience, nostalgia and perhaps just pure joy.
A hotel room for the busy “road warrior” traveling for business, might reveal a photo of a loved one placed thoughtfully on the nightstand. Something as simple as this can make a temporary residence feel more like “home.”

Dorm rooms will reflect personalities, pleasures, interests, colors and imagery for young people leaving home for the first time. They create their own sense of place and “home” while embarking on their new chapters of life.
While looking around your place of residence – this place you call “home,” consider what is important to you. It might be the actual architecture, quality of natural light, a collection, a piece of art, furniture, photographs, decorative accessories…
A little over a year ago during the throws of our introspective isolation, my cousin, a thoughtful artist of photography, commented from Connecticut about The Essence of Home. In it she shares intimate observations and encourages personal study of your significant space – memory or current abode. She also suggests an interesting little project in which she invites us to “take half an hour and create a photo essay of a place that has significance” to us. “Challenge yourself to capture a feeling. Wait for the right time of day and seek out the mystery of the place. (This is a great activity for kids, too. You’ll be amazed by what they choose to photograph – what “home” means to them.) See what thing you’re drawn to capturing; become aware of the everyday beauty in the space around you.” https://www.catebarryphotography.com/
As an interior designer, I am engaged in creating and illuminating details that are meaningful. Whether a view or an object, color or finish, access or privacy – inside or out of the interior these elements collectively contribute to create the overall design. I encourage my clients to identify things they do and things they own – things they have gathered and how they live. What of them is of greater importance and why. This process begins a dialog of preference, value, and interests. Establishing priorities to springboard a project is key to a firm platform for the design.
You know the old question…If your house were on fire, what would you want to get out? It might be a person or a pet certainly – but if it were a material possession(s), it is a question worth pondering. The same is true if you moved or remodeled, what elements would you want to retain or replicate and what would you eliminate or change?

The details of your home are personal, identifying, comforting aspects of your interior design. Discovering these important details is significant in effectively planning your interiors.