Neighborhood covenants, zoning, physical practicality, budgetary constraints…all enter into whether it is realistic or desirable to save vegetation when clearing land for development. Carving around existing growth can be a tedious and costly addition to a project. But there are times when it is a design asset – an imperative even – to the over-all setting and effect of the scene.
Saving trees when designing a built environment is a challenge that often pays off.

Raping acres of woods for barren subdivisions and adding back newly planted saplings the caliper of a quarter is unfortunate and takes years to satisfy. FHA requirements were the tell-tale token of bringing green back after a bulldozer’s brutal removal of all plant-life on a property. That lanky stick standing in the center of a dirt patch, that might get sod or seed…or rock, was a pitiful attempt to give back to the environment. However, in addition to broad-sweeping examples, individual decisions to saver rather than remove can prove valuable.
Years ago, when planning a patio expansion and exterior kitchen, friends brought the plans to me for a quick check before committing to the design from the design/build contractors that they had engaged. The new patio plan meandered along nearly the entire back facade of the house. With all the exciting kitchen layout and bar, seating areas and dining space, I instantly focused on the fact that their beautiful red-bud tree was gone – not in evidence on the pans! I exclaimed about it and was told that they were told it had to go. That was about 10 years ago – or more, yet it still stands today having modified the design to include a tree-well in the patio and opening in the proposed high-ceiling patio cover. The stunning multi-truck tree thrives, in the ground as it had for decades, and climbs skyward through the opening spreading widely toward the second story of the home. A wonderful, living, sculptural element, in the space. Good save!
Warmer climates invite the indoor/outdoor melding of living spaces. We all try to achieve them despite bitter cold transitions and near, if not complete shut-downs “off-season.” But in the tropics, outdoor living spaces become remarkable dimensions to expand living.

This past week, that situation came to mind as I enjoyed several examples of incorporating nature into the design scheme. Yes, landscape design is just that. Landscape architects do just that. They design exterior spaces with organic material. But what I was feeling recently was two complimentary things – one that designing in and around existing growth is so satisfying and in some cases, the living plant material becomes the architecture – not merely compliments it.

This past couple of weeks, we have see the results of 2 years of preparation and construction which transformed of a piece of partially vacant land into a seaside resort. Several key palms and a couple other key trees were saved and hundreds more were brought to the site to complete the design. The towering new trees showed signs of shock with their dried frond tips – but will surely survive.

When landscaping becomes architecture you know you have crossed an exciting line. What I mean by that is to have the growth become walls – to have the vegetation read as though structural framework.

A tree house is another example. The tree is the structure – the framework to begin the additional elements that create a suspended room.

By observing examples in your world, you will see, when designing around and in concert with the natural landscaping, the effects can be dramatic and of great value to the scene. On your next project, consider the possibilities of saving rather than removing – incorporating and celebrating nature’s design elements!