It’s that time again…the end of summer and getting kids back to school…exciting, hectic, a bit stressful and today, very nostalgic. I (who saves everything) still have my little black and white Sony TV, embroidered fiber art that hung on my wall, floral twin bed sheets and bath towels! I remember the white chenille bedspreads that I got – giving one to my bestie/roommate so we’d match – even though she was a red accent person and I chose blues and greens!! We picked each other, our college and designed our neat and tidy package.
Earlier this weekend, as Victoria navigated this information highway that is the lead-up to getting her dorm room assignment, roommate and all the related details, she texted her yet-to-meet roomie and asked what her color scheme was going to be. Victoria, having established her pink (dusty rose) and grey scheme last fall upon entering her freshman year elsewhere, was hoping that she was not going to have to share her intimate space with a shocking orange scheme or similarly discordant color. All of a sudden, from the back seat came a exclamation – “NO Way!” To what, we asked – “What?” And she said “Guess what her color scheme is? Pink and Grey!!! YAY!!! What were the chances?”

Well, strolling through the stores with their piles of offerings displayed in tempting color-coordinated arrangements, pink and grey still carries over from last fall in a big way – so the chances, it seems, were not all that far-fetched!! LOL.

With the prominent pink and grey, popular turquoise and grey and for the boys (if we are being color/gender-esque) black and grey – seems grey is the common denominator facilitating merchandising and keeping everyone in color-trend order.

Pro-tip #1 Make a list of what you’ll need prior to hitting the stores with their limitless temptations for dorm decor! It can be daunting if you go shopping – cold. It can be daunting anyway – but best to attempt to be prepared! As I looked around all the displays leading these trends…leading these kids…I wondered how many – if any – might veer off course and pick an orange and lime green theme or brilliant cherry red…and what does it say about one if they buck the established trends? Some might be oblivious to the trends – despite being bombarded in every store by the “must have” selections. Those independent thinkers who like what they like – if it matches or not. The eclectic ones who are driven by memories, personal expression and acquisitions gathered and honed over the years that were not guided by trending decor influencers.
However, it is entirely possible to genuinely LOVE the trends and invest in the colors for more than the first semester of eager dorm room decor! We were living it! What was purchased last fall was saved and expanded upon, with new-found knowledge of the tips learned from the pros! There are boxes, bins, rugs, lamps, staplers, desk organizers, linens, bulletin boards, throw pillows, blankets and throws – all color coordinated making the job relatively easy and swift.

The stores are prepared. Welcoming students – their signs are out and their shelves are stocked! Rows of pillows, mattress covers, foam pads, artsy accessories and accents galore…all to enhance the otherwise bare rooms that will soon come to life!

The morning of the move, they staggered the move-in time to insure an orderly point of arrival and processing to the rooms. We were assigned 9:30 and met curbside by a handsome posse of volunteer boys who were armed with rolling cartons cleverly created using carpet-wrapped moving dollies upon which were mounted large, sturdy cardboard cartons. These rolling bins were piled high with contents from the cars and wheeled into the dorm rooms with efficiency. Co-eds in red t-shirts identified them as the RA staff – the ones with the answers to all of your questions.

Being organized is key. Victoria had benefit of a previous semester where she watched the pros and got their tips! Pro-tip #2 Be organized!

To that end, utilize your limited space to the max! Capture all available real estate! Pro-tip #3 Bed risers. The beds are high – high enough to stack storage drawers/bins beneath them. They can be raised even higher with risers. Pro-tip #4 The plastic stacking drawers are cool because they make easy access to contents just like added dresser storage space.
Victoria had it all figured out. Pro-tip #5 To consolidate luggage, she packed a lot of her clothes in the bins – all in very specific order and folded making it easy to transfer once in the room.

Once in the room, she raised the bed even higher on 4 cone-shaped plastic riser units that she had purchased. She then placed her new mini frig (Pro-tip #6 Get a mini frig) and bins beneath the bed in an organized fashion. She emptied the bins one-by-one into the chest of drawers thereby freeing the bins for other supplies such as snacks, kitchen supplies and miscellaneous other necessities.

Having a mini frig in the room keeps personal perishables under control and handy instead of having to label things in the shared frig down the hall.

Pro-tip #7 Take extension cords and multi-plug surge protectors. This was handy for the reading lamp waaaaay up high above the now super high bed and also to run power to the mini frig. You can never have enough power sources and another bonus was that one of the set of four bed-riser units had power outlets and a short cord!
Pro-tip #8 Get a collapsible shoe rack/shelf (for ease of storage and transport). They have nifty wooden ones – but we took ours back as the closet had a tidy set of built-in shelves perfect for shoes.
Once the power was all connected and the bins organized clothes put away, it was time to make the bed and add the finishing touches.

It was beginning to look like a home-away-from-home! Pro-tip #9 With hanging implements that will not harm the wall like Command Strips, the walls will gradually come to life with strings of photos clipped with clothes pins, twinkly lights, bulletin boards and other imagery.

Pro-tip #10 Take photos – the memories are priceless!!!!!!

Thanks Sam, for the memories!!!!!