I love the creative process. I love darting from idea to idea – the random electric jolt that results from spontaneous concepts that will create something wonderful, if not significant and the gratification of the final product!
That is interior design – creating something that enhances an interior – an interior (and exterior) space and all the elements within that serve people. Designing an interior which solves problems, increases enjoyment, and hopefully has staying power is the goal. Unless intentionally transient and intended to be impermanent, offering a design that has staying power transcends trends and creates without a framework of only the present.
If you are a client, potential client or an associate in this crazy, wonderful business don’t you ask yourself, “How does creativity happen?” An idea? A need?

So the idea occurred on-site as I sketched a pattern that I thought would be the perfect statement and backdrop for all else in the house.

The kitchen had some expensive elements that were not practical to change. Existing cabinets, natural stone counter-tops and ceramic tile flooring all had to stay.

The original sketch realized in an nearly black, charcoal and cream tile pattern with an added opportunity for the client to turn an error into artistic expression.
Well this client asked and made a creative discovery: “George (young-adult son) Juan (tile installer) and I had a lot of fun figuring out…the tile work behind the stove…That was supposed to be solid black..didn’t even get ordered…and George worked with the left over pieces and designed that (solution) himself!!!! I think it’s amazing and will always be so special bc of how it came to be!!”

“Basically, what happened was we ran out of the tan colored tile and only had some smaller-than-half pieces left from the cuts.” Resulting in George’s creative solution!!
Personal experience with years of working with a variety of people has shown the extraordinary difference in how each individual perceives and proceeds through the design process and related creativity. For some, the design process is an exciting adventure to be navigated with or without the aid of an exhibition leader (professional designer) to explore and travel the amazing paths of color, balance, detail, elements and combinations. For others it is not only not an exciting adventure, but one of frustration, anxiety and sheer obligation to complete a necessary task(s). Like a project with a deadline – finite and compulsory. Where’s the joy?

To design for others is the name of the game – the professional practice. In order to effectively design for others, one must have empathy. To extract a client’s wishes and create for the express purpose of making them look good, feel good, enjoy their environment, produce well and feel empowered all requires getting into their world. When you effectively do so with the genuine desire to make better, you empathize with their concerns, desires, sensitivities, and needs in order to design effective solutions.

How the brain perceives things and how sensitivities are realized, by different individuals, is remarkable. From our amazing, autistic grandson who finds wonder in very focused things from red cars to distinct shapes and colors, words and pictorial representations of them, to my dementia-challenged nonagenarian mother who clings to her very core appreciation for beauty and everything well designed; perceptions, sensitivities and levels of awareness continually astound.

Elsie de Wolfe a Renaissance woman of broad reaching creative ability said “I am going to make everything around me beautiful – that will be my life.” I wonder now if Mom knew of this amazing woman and heard this phrase that so reminds me of her, but sadly she would not be able to grasp or convey any possible recollection of that now.
I place an enormous emphasis on what I call, “Wonder Time.” Everyone needs time to “wonder.” We should all take more time to WONDER. It is in those moments that amazing things can happen. Realizations can be illuminated, ideas are formed and dreams materialize. It is a time for creativity. Do you take time to “wonder?”

For my once-toddler cousin, I remember the moment so clearly. We were on a mission to get something from the car. It offered an opportunity to have an mini adventure and explore the parking area of our beach house. We had descended many stairs to come out at ground level into the dark, shadowed carport of the massive exposed-concrete structure. It was spooky and mysterious in the twilight. As we made our way holding hands through the shadows, she all of sudden said “I wonder…” and was clearly deep in thought pondering something of our adventure that I wish I could remember. But her phrase, “I wonder” is clear as a bell, to this day, more than 30 years later. I looked at her and asked “You what?” Wonder was such an abstract word – a BIG word for such a little person – that it made me wonder what she knew about wondering!!!!! We dashed back upstairs and I announced to the gathered group – “She wonders!!” And began to explain our experiences in the depths of the concrete carport. The blooming result, of that toddler full of wonderment, is today a highly observant and creative young adult.
Being inquisitive is part of that creative process – the “what if” of it all. I use that often in my design practice…”what if”…and “if, then.” It is not finite, it is a process that presents itself and a variety of tangents continuously. Designer Todd Oldham observes that creative people are different and if you are not one, you will not understand the need to be creative. He knows that “as a creative person, you can actually survive off of your ideas.”
I agree. For some, creativity is a necessary aspect of being. It is a way of seeing. It is unavoidable and random. It is essential. It is life affirming and life giving. You either are one of the “creatives” or you are not. Yet creativity exists in each of us. It is not learned, but it can be honed.
The sensitivity that comes with this profoundly innate sense is sometimes an onerous burden. Being pleased by design details around you from nature to the built environment, from fashion to well-designed freeway overpasses, details matter and a great joy is the benefit. However, details can have the adverse affect, if not well executed. If they are not well placed or well designed details, they can grate and annoy, raise blood pressure and cause all manner of anxiety. It is an onus to be so sensitive to details. Poor lighting in a restaurant, imbalance of surface textures, ineffective or inappropriate colors – it is all about that phrase “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” and if the sensitive person is presented with jarring elements that they behold or consider to be in error, it can be most unavoidably disturbing.

The placement of this fireplace an bar so grated on my sensitivities that it was amazingly uncomfortable being in this space. A challenge for correcting without structural modification for sure!
Like creative writers and their critics, who have often expressed their strength in the power of words…for designers and artists of many media, it is the power of color, lighting, pattern, and composition.
Good design is never out of style.