Here, today, find designer focus and pro-tips for improving our living spaces. Most of us have spent more time at home than we have in years. Sure, we usually wake up, prepare for the day and return in the evening, to end the day. Weekends are usually that bonus time around the house – unless we spend them on road trip excursions. However, being at home every day is unusual for many and has provided opportunities to critique and take stock. Go from “making-do” to making better, with a little focus on the details and some professional help!
New catch-phrases like “shelter-in-place” have become part of our vernacular. Staying home has resulted in massive numbers of internet orders, cautious home improvement store visits and related activity. The shared anxious energy and creative energy spawned, from our restricted living and working regimens, is “going viral!”
Well, we certainly never really considered that trendy term of something being popular being a REAL virus spreading across the planet – but the humor, common complaints and simple joys, of this surreal modification to our lives, are “going viral” all over the internet. From the vantage point of the design world, we are seeing a multitude of comments about people going stir-crazy and making plans for needed home and office improvement.

We are finally – and I say finally, after nearly everyone else we know has done so – ordering storm doors. Yes, to leave open and let in the light of day!!! It has taken being around the house for so many consecutive days that has geared us to the circadian rhythm that our orientation provides and illustrated the need to avail our interior of a significant missed opportunity for natural light! Just never seemed that important…until now! We have labored over having lights (glass) in new primary doors, but after weighing the options for light, security and transparency have opted for clear, full-panel laminated glass storm doors with interchangeable screens, for fresh air – weather permitting.

This unique opportunity to be quarantined inside our homes has given us an opportunity to evaluate the flow, function and lifestyle within our private environments. Have you noticed any things that you want to change as a result of this confinement and forced, close-up evaluation?
Here are a few topics and tips that have come-up in recent conversations from both consumer/clients and designers:
More perceived space: Perhaps open a wall or completely remove a wall(s) and connect two rooms for better communication and visual enlargement of the floor plan.
Adding mirrored walls or individual mirrors add depth and also expands a space to give it a perceived increase in size.
Add cozy color and texture with area rugs, throws and accent pillows.
Add skylights for more daylight.
Change paint colors for a refreshed feel.
Remodel kitchens and bathrooms – people have been sharing intimate spaces and preparing meals significantly more than regular lifestyles dictate and now recognize limitations in their current designs.
Re-upholstery of existing pieces that function well, but need to be refreshed and modernized.
Purchase new furnishing to improve the comfort, function and visual appearance of the interior.
Desires for additional lighting or replacement fixtures, to improve and enhance the quality and color of light inside all rooms for tasks, ambiance, accent spots, indirect illumination, decorative fixtures and even landscape lighting to highlight the features of the plantings and exterior structures, have been heightened.
Workplace design has migrated into homes prompting consideration for a more efficient permanent pocket of living spaces designed for that specific purpose of home-offices. A few from our website portfolio are illustrated here…

For both working from home and schooling from home – the needs, for this space, have become critical. Imagine, down the road, more on-line courses might be considered and even more opportunities to work from home now that the practice has been proven!!

Office spaces will reflect this modification in the working environment, by creating more flexible workspaces allowing a variety of scenarios for performing tasks between home and office and an increasing appreciation for a more fluid arrangement of office layouts and furnishings.

Here are more helpful tips from Knoll for your consideration when planning a home-office.
Patio perk-ups to expand the enjoyment outdoors – at both home and office – maximizing the livable exterior areas of either small balconies to expansive spaces, backyards, decks, improved landscaping, outdoor kitchens and fully-furnished furnished living spaces – are seeing increased attention to detail.

Let’s keep moving forward through this pandemic with positive vibes for creating enhanced living spaces – both inside and out – for more productive and enjoyable living!