The serenity of neutral color schemes has a significant place in interior design. However, it is more about the fear of color that I approach this article today. Committing to color arrests most people – they want it and admire it but are fearful about selecting and committing to bold colors.

However, that is not all that causes clients to reach out for assistance. Even if they have made a decision about taking the leap, it is how much, where and with what or to what the color is applied or occurs.

I remember when architect Antoine Predock’s project for United Blood Services in Albuquerque made a splash – a really RED splash when he stuccoed the entire exterior brazenly brilliant, bold, blood red! It was astonishing – astonishingly effective!!! If a picture speaks a thousand words, color is right there in conveying remarkable communications.
From branding to personal style, color is key.

My staff recently investigated information from projects. They posed questions and gathered observations regarding my use of color. Photos, at the end illustrate some specific color decisions and why. The resulting questions and answers are as follows:
Patti Hoech‘s design practice has been and continues to be an exploration and emphasis of the subtleties and strengths of color. It is an integral part of her work. We wanted to know why and when she discovered this specialization in her design sensitivity and how it relates to her approach to effective design decisions. We are asking clients and colleagues to pose questions to get the answers.
Why is color so important?
Patti Says: Color is power and peace. Color is important on so many levels – personal joy (or aversion), perceived temperature, brand identification, seasonal interactions, emphasis, and contrast. Color is everywhere. Understanding and harnessing it for specific purposes is key.

How do you determine the color specifics for your projects?
Patti Says: What color brings you joy? What color tells your story? Interviewing clients about their color preferences – being an important question begins the dialog regarding what colors to incorporate and why. This can be personal preferences or aversions or specific colors relating to branding whether it is new or existing. Also, existing fixed design/architectural elements might also play a significant part in developing an effective color scheme.

Do you believe color affects the lives of your clients in their homes and workplaces?
Patti Says: Absolutely!! Color can insert many subliminal effects that impose on people’s perception of a space or graphic. Color can evoke emotion, instill comfort or agitation, rekindle memories, spur appetite, affect perceived temperature. It can embed recall for commercial brands. Color can be a clever tool.

How do you navigate color trends?
Patti Says: Trends are necessary to keep our market moving. Capitalism is based on consumer activity, and nothing generates purchasing frenzies like stimulating new trends in the market. However, basing design decisions on trends must take into consideration the intended longevity of the design. Much of color trends are based upon pairings and combinations of color. It is those combinations that can “date” a color scheme – not so much a specific color. It is how, where and with what it is used that pegs it.

Do you feel you are a forecaster or influencer?
Patti Says: I believe that I have imparted and am still providing thoughtful, challenging color consultation to my commercial and residential clients. Having prospective clients request designs based upon others that we have produced is telling and flattering. It means they have confidence in the decisions regarding long-lasting color schemes – if not timeless, in some cases. However, it must be said that design elements that present the color often determine – in many ways – how well a selected color or color scheme “holds up” over time. Considerations regrading patterns, materials, and elements can and might be either improved or modified over time while maintaining the same color scheme. Forecasting anticipates color trends. I have successfully influenced clients to make selections based upon an anticipation of future color directions in the market or merely go with classic combinations that have been proven over time. . .

What has influenced your appreciation for and interpretation of color in design?
Patti Says: It started at an early age. Observing the world around me. Nature, architecture, decorative arts (china, textiles, artwork), fashion, logos/brands, trends, regional colors, seasonal colors, cycles of color…Pinks, turquoises, yellows of buildings in the West Indies, bold color statements of Mexico…Color is profoundly important and signature in its application. From fish to birds, flowers to leaves – color captivates me and urges me to find words to express it and continue to have it a primary part of my descriptive vocabulary. As an omnipresent element in the design process, color is unavoidable, but to enjoy it so fully and embrace the limitless range of options is an exciting artist’s pallet of possibilities which stimulates me at every turn.

I attribute much of my color awareness to my mother. I remember being greatly influenced by her sense of color and design. Her sensitivity and talent were innate. She selected fabrics that had unusual color and pattern combinations. When orange, avocado, brown, and gold prevailed in the 60s and 70s, she selected the olives with chartreuse and gold for the less formal areas of our lives and leaned into Lily Pulitzer’s dynamic colors and patterns for her clothing and a pastel version of soft pinks and verdant greens for our more formal areas. The master suite was primarily yellow with beautiful bits of blues. Beach scenes always emphasized blues and greens. Nothing in our world was on common trend, but an artful interpretation of color combinations, eclecticism and comfort. Pairings of orange and brown were never her happy place nor was gold and brown. But orange and PINK – YES! Pink and green especially! And browns were recognized in context with stone shades of greys and tans. I believe that sense was greatly influenced by richly organic, textured stone walls of the West Indies – Danish architecture in the tropics where limitless colors of greens and blues punctuated with flowers were all around.

As a result of this of this early introduction to the value of color, my personal spaces reflected similar sensitivities. Beginning with pink in the early years I graduated into blues, turquoise and greens for my teen years. The final scheme, in my room in the home in which I grew up, was a dusty pink, clay, and mocha-rose. No one in my world had that color scheme in the late 70s and it was difficult to assemble. It helped that I worked part time in a design showroom in Georgetown where handling the amazing abundance of fabulous fabrics was a daily inspiration. Throughout my life experiences color has been a constant distraction. Not in a bad way, but rather a noticeable, unavoidable interruption that causes me to pause and take note. Ask anyone who knows me – I stop and remark about color at every turn. For better or worse, I comment on color. It is a deep appreciation that I enjoy sharing. And the most rewarding is discovering color for clients who yearn for it but don’t quite know how to find and use that which would make them feel the joy of color!

Color plays a major role in discovering and expressing personal style. Fear not – color is your friend. Find your style. Live your style. Love your Style.